Why Do Traditionalist Despise MMA?

짐머만 아카데미 로고

왜 전통 무술 예술가 혼합 무술의 교훈을 멸시 계속합니까? 나는 깜짝 놀라게하고 그 이십년 궁극 파이팅 챔피언십 이후 (UFC) 1, some traditional martial arts still feel that they have nothing to learn from MMA. 태권도 대회 중 하나, 나는 심판에 사용되는 곳, has a submission grappling division. When I had a break, <스팬 bbox_x = "359"bbox_y = "1312"bbox_w = "4"bbox_h = "20"fsize = "14"fweight = "3"빨간색 = "255"녹색 = "255"블루 = "255"알파 = "

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Leading Classes in America

짐머만 아카데미 로고

While many of the martial arts originated in Korea or Japan, the societies in these countries and the United States are very different. <스팬 bbox_x = "789"bbox_y = "503"bbox_w = "21"bbox_h = "20"fsize = "14"fweight = "3"빨간색 = "255"녹색 = "255"블루 = "255"알파 = ", many American instructors continue to have students line up by rank and sex with men first, boys second, women third and girls last. While this line up would be normal and expected in Korea, it does

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Huo의 Yuanjia과 턱 우 협회


Huo Yuanjia was a real life hero, 사람은 자신의 삶에 대한 신화 적 이야기에 영감을. His life and expoloits have been the basis of films starring Bruce Lee and Jet Li. 실제 Huo의 Yuanjia는 많은 외국 전투기를 격파, 중국은 1800 년대와 1900 년대 초 후반에 다른 나라에 의해 희생되는 때. His exploits were a source of pride at a time,

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Martial Arts from 2006 에 2010


This article is the second of two posts, which detail the conditioning and martial arts workouts I performed from 2006 에 2010. 내 태권도에서 두 번째 학위 블랙 벨트와 유도의 세 번째 정도의 갈색 벨트를 얻을 수 있도록이 프로그램을 사용. Martial Arts Workouts Monday P.M.: Judo Class Wednesday P.M.: Advanced TKD Workout Thursday P.M.: TKD Kid’s and

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Conditioning from 2006 에 2010

짐머만 아카데미 로고

This training program is what I used from 2006 에 2008, 나는 태권도와 유도 모두에서 훈련하는 동안. 대개, I performed conditioning workouts in the morning and martial arts workouts in the evening. 컨디셔닝 일정 월요일 오전,: 가슴, 이두근, Elliptical Trainer Tuesday A.M.: Thighs, Calves, Recumbent Bike Tuesday P.M.: Shoulders, Triceps, Forms Friday A.M.: Back, Abs, Elliptical

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