Pasarte 71 – Why So Long?

lewis-eta-stecher Leiho batean Play | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss why the Divided Championship Era lasted for three years from 1925 arte 1928. I also review the original Survivor Series 1987. Update Dan recently moved to a new facility but will return to the show soon. I review one of the AEW buy-in matches from Full Gear 2024. Main

» Irakurri gehiago

Pasarte 70 – Lost Film

george-hackenschmidt-posatzen Leiho batean Play | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the recently discovered film of the 1908 match between George Hackenschmidt and Joe Rogers. Update I give a health update on Dan and talk about the upcoming podcast schedule. Main Content A film company recently restored a 1908 wrestling film between George Hackenschmidt and Joe Rogers, Taldea 1 eta

» Irakurri gehiago

Pasarte 69 – Halloween zoriontsua

nekazari-erre-zintzilik-itxura Leiho batean Play | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss Martin “Baserritarrak” Burns training James J. Jeffries for his bout with Jack Johnson on July 4, 1910. Update Dan and I talk about my new project and how an earlier writer unfairly portrayed Joe Stecher’s world title run from 1925 arte 1928. Shooter in a Worked World is available

» Irakurri gehiago

Pasarte 68 – Hasi promozioa

ia-benetako-podcast-artea zen Leiho batean Play | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the beginnings of the regular St. Louis wrestling promotion in 1921. I also discuss the Mr. McMahon documentary on Netflix. Update Due to illness and medical appointments, we are a little late on releasing the episode this week. Shooter in a Worked World: John Pesek and the 1920s Promotional

» Irakurri gehiago

Pasarte 67 – Berrian

ia-benetako-podcast-artea zen Leiho batean Play | DownloadIn this episode, Dan and I get caught up on all the news that is unfit to print. We save the history topic for the end of this episode. Time Stamps WWE News – 7:00 AEW News – 17:15 Divided Championship Period between 1925 eta 1928 – 41:10 Shooter in a Worked World has

» Irakurri gehiago

Pasarte 64 – St. Louis’ Lehen Pro Borrokalaria

jorge-baptiste Leiho batean Play | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the professional wrestling and refereeing career of St. Louis’ first professional wrestler, George Baptiste. Update With this episode, we will now be a weekly podcast. We may do review episodes occasionally. Dan will also be returning to the show in two weeks. Shooter in a Worked World: John Pesek

» Irakurri gehiago

Pasarte 63 – Txapelketa Banatua

lewis-eta-stecher Leiho batean Play | DownloadIn this episode, eztabaidatzen dugu 1925-1928, noiz bai Ed “Strangler” Lewis eta Joe Stecher-ek Munduko Heavyweight Wrestling Txapelketa irabazi zuten. Eguneratu Caleb, Treyk eta biok Danen iradokizuna eztabaidatzen dugu astero podcast batera joateko. Shooter in a Worked World: John Pesek and the 1920s Promotional Wars Amazonen dago eskuragarri. Nik ere gomendatzen dut

» Irakurri gehiago

Pasarte 62 – Taro Miyake/Rikidozan vs. Kimura

taro-miyake Leiho batean Play | DownloadIn this episode, Ingalaterran Taro Miyaken erronka partiduei erreparatzen diegu eta National Wrestling Alliance sortu osteko bi-gurutze bakanetako bat errepasatzen dugu.. Eguneraketa Irailaren hasieran John Pesek liburua kaleratuko dut 2024. Hurrengo liburua abendurako amaitzea espero dut 2024. FightLore gomendatu nuen

» Irakurri gehiago

Pasarte 61 – Evan Lewis vs. Tom Connors

ia-benetako-podcast-artea zen Leiho batean Play | DownloadIn this episode, Nire lehengusu Danekin batera nago polemikoa eztabaidatzen dugun bitartean 1887 Evanen arteko partida “Strangler” Lewis eta ingelesak Tom Connors borrokalaria harrapatzen dute. Eguneraketa John Pesek liburuaren edizioak amaitu ditut aste honetan. Zuzenketa eta edizioaren ondoren, iraileko lehen astean atera behar da 2024. The

» Irakurri gehiago

Pasarte 60 – St. Louis Borroka

ia-benetako-podcast-artea zen Leiho batean Play | DownloadIn this episode, St.aren garapena eztabaidatzen dut. Louis borroka sustapena Tom Packs eta Sam Muchnick-en eskutik. Eguneraketa Datorren hilabetean bi atal kaleratuko ditugu abuztuan 12, 2024, and August 26, 2024. Ez dut John argitaratuko “Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek liburua abuztuaren amaierara edo erdialdera arte

» Irakurri gehiago
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