Epizodo 59 – La Peseks

charles-pesek-ĉirkaŭ 1920

https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/bjrqaetkjeqib4ih/Episode_5974mk0.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, ni diskutas kiel Hubert kaj Charley Pesek influis la karieron de Johano “La Nebraska Tigermano” Sablo. Ĝisdatigo Ni ankoraŭ estas kelkaj epizodoj de Dan revenantaj al la podkasto. Li resaniĝas malrapide sed certe. Mi ankaŭ mallonge parolas pri AEW Forbidden Door kaj WWE Money in the Bank. Ĉefa

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Epizodo 58 – 1910 Gambling Ring


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/f3p7uaja28cwn5zw/Episode_5868af3.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, I discuss the federal government prosecuting a gambling ring in 1910. The case exposed how wrestlers worked matches to bilk fans betting on the matches. Update I discuss Janel Grant’s legal team pausing Ms. Grant’s lawsuit as the federal government continues their investigation. I also discuss AEW’s need to correct course

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Epizodo 57 – What’s Happening?


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/eeqc2peen7iscvva/Episode_578wxzc.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, I discuss the upcoming podcast schedule and revisions to kenzimmermanjr.com. Update I removed many of the Legacy posts around genealogy, family life, and film. I discuss why in this episode about why I started blogging and how the website has changed over that time. You can leave a comment or ask

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Epizodo 56 – Working Outside the US


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/3uewyeeu5ttfgfnv/Episode_56bcopi.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, we discuss wrestlers and jiu jitsu fighters working matches in Brazil. We also review WWE’s King and Queen of the Ring. We had a few audio issues in this episode but the audio was still usable. We should correct the issue in June. We will be back to the normal recording

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Epizodo 55 – Browning Squeezes Miyake


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/5gwxgnrsz7i5byj8/Episode_5566kga.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, I talk about the 1924 match between Jim Browning and Taro Miyake. Update Our Memorial Day episode will be the full crew. This episode and that episode will tie together with a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) crossover and how gambling schemes affected pro wrestling and why it is a worry for

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Epizodo 54 – The Frankenstein Episode


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/xn66mjpb7vj56fpm/Episode_549cl3b.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadTechnical difficulties led to this podcast being more of a compilation. We discuss an odd decision by the New York State Althletic Commission in 1921. Update In our original update we covered most of the main wrestling stories since Dan went in to the hospital. #Beda?rinde, none of the audio was useable from this

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Epizodo 53 – Backers vs. Promoters


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/yvvhhixd68359ike/Episode_536ggjr.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, I discuss the backstage video from AEW at Wembley, talk about pro wrestling before the modern promotion system, and review Wrestlemania XL Day 2. Update We discuss AEW releasing the backstage footage of the scuffle between CM Punk and Jack Perry. Main Content I discuss how Tony Khan acts more like

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Epizodo 52 – Rickard vs. Curley


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/teferh/Episode_527c08p.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, I discuss the possible reasons for the falling out between Tex Rickard and Jack Curley. I also review the first night of Wrestlemania XL. Update I have released The Sherlock Holmes of Saint Louis: Saint Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond on Friday, Aprilo 5, 2024. It is available in ebook,

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Epizodo 51 – Marin Plestina


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/zcckez/Episode_51a3a13.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, I discuss the threat that Marin Plestina posed to the wrestling trust between 1917 Kaj 1921. Update We should be back to the same prodcution schedule with Dan by the middle of April. I share why you should never group text. I also talk about how Vince McMahon never made long-term

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Epizodo 50 – Wrestling and WWI


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/keuwiq/Episode_50baz45.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, we discuss how World War I affected American professional wrestling. We also reveal who said, “Repetition is the key when dealing with goofs.Update I am writing two books at once for the first time. The first book is my last planned St. Louis history book on St. Louis Chief of

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