Boxeoak borroka legitimoan duen eragina


1910eko hamarkadan, Borroka profesional estatubatuarra betirako mugitu zen legezko borroka-lehiaketetatik aurrez antolatutako erakusketetara. Zaleen interesa, promotoreen kontrolak eta borrokalarien higadura gutxiagok zeresana izan zuten trantsizio honetan. Presioaz gutxiago hitz egiten zen beste kiroletik kanpo zegoen. mendearen aurretik, boxeo profesionala legez kanpokoa zen Estatu Batuetan. Uharkadi biluzik

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Johnson Outpoints McVey


On Thursday, Otsaila 26, 1903, Jack Johnsonek bere munduko pisu astuneko boxeo txapelketa defendatu zuen Sam McVey garaitu gabekoaren aurka. McVeyk bat ekarri zuen 6-0 errekorra sei kanporaketarekin txapelketako partidan. Boxeo sustatzaileek borrokalari beltzei munduko pisu astuneko boxeo txapelketarako lehiatzen uzteari uko egin ziotenez, mendearen amaierako boxeolari onenak World Colored-en alde borrokatu ziren

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McVey KO Ferguson


Abuztuaren On 11, 1915, egungo Munduko Koloretako Pisu Astunen Boxeo Txapelduna Sam McVeyk Sandy Fergusonen aurka borrokatu zuen Bostonen, Massachusetts Atlas Athletic Association gimnasioan. McVeyk borroka egin zuen sustatzaileek afroamerikar boxeolari guztiak izoztu zituzten garai batean, Jack Johnson handia izan ezik, munduko txapelketarako borrokatik. McVey-k honen beste borrokalari beltz handi gehienak garaitu zituen

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Man Kills Middleweight King


After averaging 9 fights a year over the past 7 urte, World Middleweight Boxing Champion Stanley “The Michigan Assassin” Ketchel was exhausted. Ketchel took a vacation on the Missouri ranch of his friend Colonel R. P. Dickerson in an attempt to regain his strength and enthusiasm for fighting. Ketchel never returned from vacation as he was shot and killed at

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Ned O’Baldwin Shot


In early March 1873, bare knuckle prizefighter Ned “The Irish Giant” O’Baldwin was preparing for a potential match with Jem Mace, who claimed the World Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Championship. Hala ere, before O’Baldwin could face Mace, he served as a second for a friend and fellow prizefighter named Hicken. Professional fighting in the 19th Century enjoyed a poor reputation outside of

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Irish Giant Bashes Wormald


Urriaren On 29, 1868, “Irish Giant” Ned O’Baldwin and English prizefighter Joe Wormald met in a bare knuckle prize-fight outside of Boston in Lynnville, Massachusetts. O’Baldwin stood 6’06” tall and weighed around 220 libera. Possessed of a violent disposition, O’Baldwin had the perfect attitude for the ring but poor social skills outside of it. Bi gizonen zaleak bertaratu ziren

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Terrible Terry Wins Bantam Title


“Terrible” Terry McGovern earned a reputation as one of the most powerful punchers in the history of the lighter divisions of professional boxing. McGovern weighed between 112 eta 126 libera. Unlike his fellow smaller fighters, who overwhelmed their opponents with punching volume, McGovern possessed exceptional knockout power. McGovern proved his power on Tuesday, September 12, 1899, when he fought British

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Sullivan Beats Paddy Ryan


On February 7, 1882, John L. Sullivan fought Paddy Ryan for a title, which was certainly the American Heavyweight Prizefighting Championship but probably not the World Title it was billed as. Urtean 1880, Paddy Ryan won the title in his first and only prize fight before facing the ferocious power puncher Sullivan. The men met in Mississippi City, Mississippi inguruan

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Gotch Tries Boxing


An age old question in combat sports is “Who will win between a boxer and a wrestler?” The speculation around this question led to several boxer versus wrestler matches through out history, most notably the disaster between Muhammad Ali and Antonio Inoki in 1976. The matches are mostly no-win affairs except at the box office, horregatik bi sustatzaileak

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