McVea KOs Matsuda


Mewn pyliau o arddull cymysg rhwng reslwyr a streicwyr, y dywediad yw unwaith y bydd y reslwr yn cael ei ddwylo ar yr ymosodwr, mae'r frwydr drosodd. Yn y rhan fwyaf o byliau arddull cymysg rhwng reslwyr neu grapplers a phaffwyr, mae'r grappler fel arfer yn ennill ar ôl llusgo'r ymosodwr i'r llawr. Trechodd Ray Steele Brwydro Levinsky. Torrodd “Jwdo” Gene LeBell Milo Savage. Yn fodern

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Acton Wrestles Fitzsimmons


Ar ddydd Gwener, Tachwedd 27, 1891, cyn Bencampwr Reslo Pwysau Trwm America, Joe Acton, yn brwydro yn erbyn Pencampwr Bocsio Pwysau Trwm y Byd Bob Fitzsimmons yn San Francisco yn y dyfodol, California. Roedd y dynion yn ymgodymu am adroddiad $1,000.00 purse. Roedd Acton fel arfer yn ildio maint i'w wrthwynebydd ond roedd Acton yn gorbwyso 148-punt Fitzsimmons o saith punt. Bu'r dynion yn ymgodymu mewn gêm gwympo dau allan o dri yn ôl reslo dal-wrth-gall

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Steele yn wynebu Levinsky mewn Bout Cymysg


Ar Dachwedd 19, 1935, cyfarfu’r reslwr proffesiynol Ray Steele â’r paffiwr proffesiynol Kingfish Levinsky mewn gornest reslo cymysg yn erbyn bocsio. Creodd Comisiwn Athletau Talaith Missouri reolau arbennig ar gyfer y gêm. Dyfarnodd y comisiynwyr y byddai'r ornest yn cynnwys rowndiau tri munud fel gêm focsio. Caniataodd y comisiynwyr i Levinsky ddyrnu hyd yn oed os oedd ar y mat. Gallai Steele

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Muldoon Spars With Sullivan


William Muldoon was the reigning World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion and a noted physical culturist, when Muldoon was engaged by John L. Sullivan’s backers to get their fighter in shape. Sullivan was the reigning World Heavyweight Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Champion. He signed an agreement to meet his toughest challenger, Jake Kilrain, in July 1889. Sullivan admitted he was in bad shape,

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Stanislaus Zbyszko gorchfygu Cyn Boxer


Ar Ionawr 10, 1910, recently arrived Polish wrestler Stanislaus Zbyszko took on Charlie “The Kid” Cutler in a best two-out-of-three falls match. Cutler had been a boxer in a troupe run by John L. Sullivan before transitioning to wrestling. While Cutler was extremely tough, Stanislaus Zbyszko had been wrestling since his youth. Zbyszko would use these skills to overcome Cutler

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Lladrad Tom Allen


Ar ddydd Iau, September 7, 1876, Tom Allen defended his World Heavyweight Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Championship against fellow Englishman Joe Goss. Allen, originally from Birmingham, Lloegr, settled in St. Louis, Missouri. Allen eventually became a U.S. Citizen. Allen showed a pugnacious personality, inside and outside the ring, making powerful enemies amongst the sporting men in the United States. Allen particularly irritated

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John L. Sullivan Arrested


Ar ddydd Mawrth, Tachwedd 18, 1884, World Heavyweight Bare-Knuckle Prizefighting Champion John L. Sullivan fought Al Greenfield at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Sullivan needed to overcome more than just his opponent in this bout. The men originally agreed to fight on Monday, Tachwedd 17, 1884, but New York City authorities threatened the men with arrest. The wrangling with

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Blackburn and Langford Go Distance


Charles Henry “Jack” Blackburn achieved his greatest fame as the trainer of World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis from 1934 i 1942. Louis is widely considered to be one of the top three to five heavyweights in professional boxing history and some consider him the best heavyweight fighter. “Jack” Blackburn developed the talents of the young champion and helped him

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