Nat Pendleton Speaks Against Commission


In the fall of 1921, Jack Curley and Tex Rickard engaged in a promotional feud that started in professional boxing but spread to professional wrestling. Curley and Rickard settled their feud in a legitimate contest in November 1921. Curley selected John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek to act for him against Rickard’s wrestler Marin Plestina. Before Curley and Rickard could arrange

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McLaughlin walczy z Dufurem


W czwartek, Październik 7, 1884, Colonel James Hiram McLaughlin wrestled Henry Moses Dufur for what both men claimed would be the last time. The 40-year-olds specialized in collar-and-elbow wrestling. The men wrestled in Detroit, Michigan, the home territory of McLaughlin. The match took place at the Detroit Opera House in front of a small crowd. Professional wrestling had not developed

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Beell dominuje nad przeciwnikiem


If he had been bigger, Fred Beell would have been a dominant heavyweight in the first decade of the Twentieth Century. Zamiast, larger opponents often defeated Beell only because the opponent outweighed Beell by thirty to fifty pounds. On the rare occasions that Beell wrestled a middleweight, Beell crushed his opponent. On January 13, 1905, Beell wrestled H.P. Hansen in

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Pesek ponownie walczy z Plestiną


During November 1921, John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek wrestled a legitimate contest with Marin Plestina to settle a promotional war between Jack Curley and boxing promoter Tex Rickard. Pesek fouled an injured Plestina, who was helpless to defend himself. After the match, Rickard returned to boxing while the New York State Athletic Commission banned Pesek from wrestling in New York.

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Pesek najlepszy w Londynie


W 1919, John “Tygrys z Nebraski” Pesek found himself in the same position as Marin Plestina. The dominant wrestling trust would not give Pesek a match with one of theBig Four” – Earl Caddock, Joe Stecher, I “Dusiciel” Chwytak, and Wladek Zbyszko. Unable to secure a match with Stecher, Pesek wrestled Jim Londos in Omaha, Nebraska on October 10,

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Mahmout pokonuje Jenkinsa w Straight Falls


On Thanksgiving in America, Thursday, Listopad 26, 1908, Yussouff Mahmout wrestled former American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Mahmout recently to the United States to wrestle Frank Gotch for the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. If Mahmout defeated Jenkins, Mahmout would prove to be a bona fide challenger to Gotch. Jenkins was the

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McLaughlin broni tytułu?


We wtorek, Styczeń 29, 1884, approximately two thousand fans crowded into the Detroit Opera House to watch the first of a two-match series between Colonel James H. McLaughlin and Henry Moses Dufur. The crowd had to delight the organizers and wrestlers. Matches drawing crowds in the thousands were rare during the 19th Century. Organizers claimed McLaughlin was defending the American

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Korzenie Missouri Jacka Claybourne’a


Jacka Claybourne’a, jeden z pierwszych Afroamerykanów, zawodowi zapaśnicy, urodził się Elmer Claybourn w Meksyku, Missouri, on March 8, 1910. W 1910, Meksyk był domem dla około 5,939 residents. Claybourne rozpoczął karierę w zapasach w Missouri 1931. Initially, Claybourne walczył w pobliskim Moberly, Missouri. Moberly liczyło ok 13,722 mieszkańców w porównaniu do 8,290 mieszkańców Meksyku, Missouri

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Before He Was Ed “Dusiciel” Chwytak


Wrestling historians consider either Ed “Strangler” Lewis or Frank Gotch to be the greatest American professional wrestler. While we know quite a bit about the early career of Frank Gotch, we know much less about the early career of Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Various sources claim Lewis learned catch-as-catch-can wrestling in the carnivals when he was only fourteen years old. Chwytak

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Burns walczy z Wasemem


Poza tym, że jest to preferowane miejsce treningów zawodowych bokserów i zapaśników w St. Louis, St. W Louis Business Men's Gymnasium odbywały się mniejsze imprezy bokserskie i zapaśnicze. W 1898, były mistrz USA w wadze ciężkiej w zapasach Martin „Farmer” Burns walczył z Oscarem Wasemem przed małą publicznością w Business Men’s Gymnasium. Burns zaczął trenować zapaśników na pełny etat i

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