Lewis strzela ze Steele


W poniedziałek, Grudzień 6, 1932, 41-year-old Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled one of his last legitimate contests to settle a promotional dispute in New York. After initially being allies in promotion, Jim Londos broke away from Jack Curley’s group in New York. To restore peace, the parties decided on a legitimate contest or “shoot” to settle the dispute. Josepha „Tootsa” Mondta

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Dwóch strzelców pracuje nad meczem


We wtorek, Grudzień 12, 1916, local favorite, John “Tygrys z Nebraski” Pesek wrestled fellow shooter, Al “DutchMantell, in a worked match. Pesek recently trained with fellow Nebraska wrestler and recognized World Champion Joe Stecher prior to this match. Pesek developed a notorious reputation for shooting with other wrestlers. Jednak, Pesek was a 22-year-old up-and-comer still learning to wrestle, when

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Bibby za dużo dla Matsudy


Na początku 1880 roku, Sorakichi Matsuda, lub Matsada w większości amerykańskich gazet, udał się do Stanów Zjednoczonych, aby walczyć zawodowo. Japonia nie miała rozwiniętego toru wrestlingu zawodowego, więc Matsuda pomyślał, że po odbyciu praktyki w Stanach Zjednoczonych sprowadzi ten sport z powrotem do Japonii. Po treningu przez jakiś czas, Matsuda signed an agreement to wrestle the first

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Oscar Wasem pokonuje Joe Carrolla


Oscar Wasem started his career in St. Louis, Missouri under the tutelage of George Baptiste. Wasem was a good enough wrestler that Wasem defeated a young Frank Gotch in 1901. Wasem, St. Louis Champion, pinned Gotch, the Iowa Champion. While Gotch went on to be America’s greatest legitimate professional wrestler, Wasem remained a solid journeyman. Wasem supplemented his professional

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Londos walczy z Colemanem i Shikiną


I recently discovered a three minute clip on YouTube, w tym dwóch Jima Londosa’ mecze z lat 30. W pierwszym meczu, Londos walczy z Abe Colemanem. W drugim meczu, Londos walczy w mieszanym stylu z Oki Shikiną, who was trained by Taro Miyake, czarny pas judo i zawodowy zapaśnik. Londos was the biggest box office star

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Acton walczy z Fitzsimmonsem


Piątek, Listopad 27, 1891, były mistrz Stanów Zjednoczonych w zapasach w wadze ciężkiej Joe Acton walczył z przyszłym mistrzem świata w wadze ciężkiej w boksie Bobem Fitzsimmonsem w San Francisco, Kalifornia. Jak podaje raport, mężczyźni walczyli $1,000.00 purse. Acton zwykle ustępował swojemu przeciwnikowi, ale Acton przewyższał 148-funtowego Fitzsimmonsa o siedem funtów. Mężczyźni stoczyli mecz typu „dwa z trzech upadków”, zgodnie z zasadą „złap jak złap puszkę”

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Browning pokonuje Jenkinsa

jim-browning-verona-missouri-wrestler-and-world champion

Grudzień 17, 1923, Jim Browning wrestled a rare match in his hometown of Verona, Missouri. Four hundred fans from the surrounding area crowded into the venue to watch the match between Browning and Clarence Jenkins, a wrestler from Emporia, Kansas. Both Browning and Jenkins wrestled most of their matches in Kansas during 1923. Browning was starting a career that

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Londyn vs. Nagurski in 1938


W listopadzie 18, 1938, former world wrestling champion Jim Londos wrestled current world champion Bronko Nagurski, the great former football player for the Chicago Bears. The men wrestled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for Nagurski’s version of the world wrestling championship. You can view the 14-minute match in its entirety on YouTube. When I viewed the match for the first time, several

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Pesek Wrestles Jordan in 1916


John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek wrestled two of the most famous legitimate contests of the 1920s. Pesek ended two promotional wars by agreeing to “shoot” contests with Marin Plestina and Nat Pendelton. W 1916, Pesek was an up-and-coming wrestler active in his home state of Nebraska. W czwartek, Wrzesień 14, 1916, Pesek wrestled another Nebraska wrestler, Chris Jordan. Fans and

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