Russian Lion Defeats Terrible Turk

george-hackenschmidt odijelo

U subotu, Siječanj 30, 1904, George Hackenschmidt defended his Greco-Roman World Wrestling Championship against Ahmed Medrali. “Ruski Lion” će morati pobijediti “Užasno Turk” zadržati svoje prvenstvo. Promotori odabrana div Medrali, koji je bio 6’02” i 224 funti, poraziti naizgled nepobjedivu Hackenschmidt. George Hackenschmidt stajao samo 5’09” visok i težio 209 funti. Despite his smaller

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Did Muldoon Duck McMahon?


Na ožujka 22, 1881, Greco-Roman World Wrestling Champion William Muldoon met Collar-and-Elbow World Champion John McMahon at the Terrace Garden in New York City. Muldoon and McMahon met in a best-two-out-of-three-falls match. The first fall was conducted by Greco-Roman rules. The second fall would be contested using collar-and-elbow rules. The last fall would be decided via what The New York

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Joe Stecher Throws Dan Kolov

joe stecher pojas prvaka

On Thursday, Studeni 22, 1923, St. Louis promoter John Contos hosted a controversial card topped by a match between Joe Stecher and Dan Kolov, an up-and-coming Bulgarian wrestler. The card was covered by John E. Wray, the Sports Editor for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The card was controversial because two of the biggest stars in wrestling were advertised but didn’t

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Alias the Champ (1949)


Broadcast companies were looking for content during the early days of television. Besides older movies and some broadcast company productions, sports were a source of programming for many television stations. The Dumont Television Network was one of the powerhouse networks in the beginning of the Golden Age of Television. One of their most popular programs was wrestling and the star

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Legenda o Jusufu Ismailu


Yusuf Ismail hrvao je u Sjedinjenim Državama samo šest mjeseci u prvoj polovici godine 1898. U svojoj prvoj značajnoj utakmici, diskvalificiran je zbog grubog prekršaja. U svojoj jedinoj drugoj značajnoj utakmici, dao je Evanu “Davitelj” Lewis batina njegovog života. Ipak, njegova kratka turneja po Sjedinjenim Državama učinila ga je legendom. Ismail je ušao u

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Gotch Meets Match in Zbyszko


On a Thursday night, Studeni 25, 1909, World Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch met Polish Wrestling Champion Stanislaus Zbyszko for a handicap match in Buffalo, New York. Gotch agreed to forfeit the bout if he could not throw Zbyszko twice in an hour. Zbyszko’s size and strength created problems for Gotch, who weighed 190 pounds to Zbyszko’s 260 funti. Međutim, Zbyszko

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Masked Marvel Throws Berner


Wrestling promoter Samuel Rachman created the International Wrestling Tournament in Spring 1915 to highlight the abilities of Aleksander “Alex” Aberg. Aberg was the Russian Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion. Rachman believed Aberg could beat any wrestler. Rachman also wanted to lure Frank Gotch, the last undisputed World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, out of retirement to wrestle with Aberg. Gotch wrestled George Lurich in

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Stecher pobjeđuje Westergaarda u Lincolnu


U postu na blogu prošli mjesec, Pisao sam o poteškoćama koje su imali promotori u organizaciji meča Joea Stechera i Jessa Westergaarda. Prvotno planirano za Omahu, Nebraska, načelnik policije Omahe i policijski komesar bili su zabrinuti zbog toga što je meč unaprijed dogovoren ili a “work”. Nisu htjeli da izložba zaokupi kockare. Kako bi spriječili ovu pojavu, oni

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Muldoon Fails to Throw Sorakichi 5 Times


Dominant champions like William Muldoon often had to accept handicap conditions to get fans interested in watching them wrestle. Budući da su navijači samo Clarencea Whistlera smatrali dovoljno vještim da stvarno zaprijeti njegovoj vladavini, Muldoon would often generate interest by either performing feats of strength or taking on the challenge of handicap conditions. Svibnja 5, 1885, Muldoon met Matsuda Sorokichi, koji

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