Zbyszko “Wins” World Title in 1921


Polish wrestler and strongman Stanislaus Zbyszko first came to the United States in 1909 to campaign for a shot at World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. He received and lost the match in a legitimate contest during 1910. Zbyszko continued wrestling for a few more years and actually won the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in 1914 from hated rival

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Christmas Night Wrestling Fiasco


On Christmas Night 1911, Stanislaus Zbyszko met Giovanni Raicievich in a much-anticipated heavyweight wrestling bout. Zbyszko, who was campaigning for a rematch with World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch, agreed to throw Raicevich 3 times in 90 minutes or be declared the loser. As the men entered the famed Madison Square Garden in New York City, Zbyszko was clearly the

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Matsuda Wins First Match


Sorakichi Matsuda originally trained in sumo wrestling. When Matsuda decided to become a catch-as-catch-can wrestler, he was forced to travel to the United States. Professional wrestling would not become popular in Japan until the middle of the Twentieth Century. Upon arriving in the United States in 1883, it took Matsuda a few months to secure a match. He finally secured

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Zbyszko Bests Giant Nogert


Janúar 11, 1911, world heavyweight wrestling championship contender Stanislaus Zbysko faced the challenge of the powerful but less talented Peter “Giant” Nogert. Nogert was a South African wrestler, who came to the United States for a few years in the early 1910s. Due to a strong international reputation, a few American wrestlers had even claimed to be Nogert before

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Aberg Tempts Gotch


Raunverulega, Samuel Rachman, who promoted both the 1915 International Wrestling Tournament and Greco-Roman World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Aleksander “Alex” Åberg, tried to lure retired World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch into the tournament. Rachman hoped to bolster Aberg’s claim as the successor to Gotch. Rachman offered Gotch $20,000 to wrestle Aberg in May 1915. Rachman’s tournament was to start Wednesday

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Farmer Burns Wears Out Jack King


Martin “Farmer” Burns reportedly trained over 1,000 wrestlers in his career as America’s foremost wrestling trainer. Þó, Burns var mikill wrestler í eigin rétti sínum. Before he retired to train wrestlers full-time, Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Evan “The Strangler” Lewis in 1895. Burns held the title for two years. Í 1893, Burns was still

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Greatest Match Stanislaus Zbyszko er?


No one can question that Stanislaus Zbyszko was a great wrestler. Hann hóf glíma þegar atvinnumaður leikur var samt raunverulegur samkeppni. Hann hélt áfram að ná árangri eftir að leikurinn breyttist til unnið á (prearranged) eldspýtur. Í raun, he participated in a shoot contest, when he legitimately defeated Big Wayne Munn for the title in 1925 by double-crossing his promotoers.

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Lewis Drops Title to Sonnenberg


Og “Strangler” Lewis is one of the top two American professional wrestlers of all-time. While Lewis was a legitimate submission wrestler, who could beat anyone in a wrestling contest, he worked almost exclusively in prearranged exhibition matches. Í 1929, he took part in a match with professional football player turned wrestler, Gus Sonnenberg. Sonnenberg was on the Providence Steam Roller,

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Alex Aberg snýr aftur til Evrópu


Alex Aberg sigraði marga athyglisverða óvini á besta ári á ferli sínum í atvinnuglímu. Í 1915, Aberg keppti bæði í vor- og haustútgáfum New York International Wrestling Tournament. Keppti eingöngu í hans uppáhalds stíl grísk-rómverskrar glímu, Aberg sigraði Dr. Benjamin Roller, Wladek Zbyszko og Ed “Strangler” Lewis ásamt nokkrum sveinsglímumönnum.

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