Sam Langford berst Stanley Ketchel


Á miðvikudaginn, Apríl 27, 1910, reigning World Middleweight Boxing Champion Stanley Ketchel fought a six-round, non-title match with African American boxer Sam Langford. Langford is one of the greatest boxers of all-time. Þó, Langford found himself frozen out of world title fights by promoters and boxers adhering to the “color line.” Promoters and boxers used the “color line” to prevent

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Sam McVea berst við Jujitsu Fighter

I-McVey 1914

On Sunday, Nóvember 9, 1913, African American boxer Sam McVea, or McVey, battled Professor Stevenson, a Jujitsu practitioner, in a mixed styles bout in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia. McVea and Stevenson fought ten, five-minute rounds, with three-minute intermission between rounds. McVea and Stevenson fought for $100 hlið. In grappler vs. boxer matches, the grappler usually won, but McVea

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“Farmer” Burns lestir Jeffries


When the great Jack Johnson defeated Tommy Burns for the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship, the boxing establishment started searching for a “white hope” to defeat Johnson. In desperation to find someone to defeat Johnson, promoters and sports writers started lobbying former World Heavyweight Champion James J. Jeffries to end his retirement to fight Johnson. Jeffries retired undefeated in 1905. Eftir

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Þáttur 69 – Happy Halloween

bóndi-brennur-hangandi-stunt Spila í nýjum glugga | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss Martin “Farmer” Burns training James J. Jeffries for his bout with Jack Johnson on July 4, 1910. Update Dan and I talk about my new project and how an earlier writer unfairly portrayed Joe Stecher’s world title run from 1925 til 1928. Shooter in a Worked World is available

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Ketchel bjargar sjálfum sér


Á föstudaginn, Júní 10, 1910, Heimsmeistarinn í millivigt í hnefaleikum, Stanley Ketchel, barðist sinn síðasta bardaga gegn hinum óboðna Jim Smith. Ketchel hefur hreinsað út millivigtina, svo hnefaleikaframleiðendur áttu í erfiðleikum með að finna viðeigandi samkeppni fyrir Ketchel. At only 24 ára, Ketchel lifði hart og barðist stöðugt og olli snemma niðurbroti á líkama hans. Eftir að hafa barist við Smith, Ketchel ætlaði sér það

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Þáttur 47 – London vs. Carnera

það-var-næstum-alvöru-podcast-list Spila í nýjum glugga | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss the careers of Jim Londos and Primo Carnera leading into a review of the 1950 wrestling match. Update We start off with an update about our recording schedule. One of the team is on the injured reserve, so we will be recording on Skype for the next several episodes.

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Þáttur 43 – Blandaður bardagi

geisla-stál Spila í nýjum glugga | DownloadUpdate Ég hef lokið við að skrifa Origins of a Legend: Gerð Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Eftir klippingu, það ætti að koma út seint í janúar/byrjun febrúar 2024. Við ræðum stuttlega hugmyndir Vince Russo um samtök kvenna í glímu. Við reynum að finna út markaðinn fyrir þetta efni. Við mælum líka með að meðferðaraðili sé líklega

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