Killer Dill (1947)


Ágúst 2, 1947, Max M. King Productions gaf út Killer Dill (1947), glæpamynd sem atvinnuglímukappinn Mike Mazurki leikur „Little Joe“, handlangari sem spilar báðar hliðar glæpagengja. Stuart Erwin fer með hlutverk Johnny "Killer" Dill, undirfatahönnuður og sölumaður, sem fólk villur fyrir að sé glæpamaður. Eftir að hafa óvart blandað sér í glæpastríð, hans

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Alias ​​Champ (1949)


Broadcast fyrirtæki voru að leita að efni á árdaga sjónvarps. Að auki eldri kvikmyndir og sumir útvarpsþáttur fyrirtæki framleiðsla, íþróttir voru uppspretta forritun fyrir mörgum sjónvarpsstöðva. The Dumont Television Network was one of the powerhouse networks in the beginning of the Golden Age of Television. One of their most popular programs was wrestling and the star

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Counter-Njósnir (1942)


Columbia Pictures’ Lone Wolf series, aðalhlutverki Warren Williams eins og Michael snúra, er einn af uppáhalds mínum “B” Myndin röð. Williams lék Debonair Jewel þjófur, sem einhvern veginn endar alltaf upp hjálpa lögreglan leysa ýmsar glæpi. Counter-Njósnir (1942) begins with Lanyard stealing top secret plans from Sir Stafford Hart’s safe. Scotland Yard’s Inspector Stephens rushes to the scene

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Spooks Run Wild (1941)


Á október 24, 1941, Monogram Pictures released Spooks Run Wild starring the East Side Kids and Bela Lugosi. At this point in his career, Bela Lugosi was relegated to “B” movies. He played in several films with the East Side Kids, which were all enjoyable if not exactly classic cinema. Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall and Bobby Jordan play the leaders

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British Intelligence (1940)


Janúar 29, 1940, First National Pictures, the Warner Brothers “B” film company, released the spy thriller British Intelligence (1940). The film is set in Britain during World War I. Released almost two years before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the film showed that Hollywood and probably most of the countries sympathies were with Britain and the Allies. While British

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House of Frankenstein (1944)


Á Desember 1, 1944, Universal Pictures released the latest horror film in the Frankenstein series, House of Frankenstein, with an all-star cast. Boris Karloff, who originally played Frankenstein’s monster, returns to the series as the mad scientist Dr. Niemann. An earthquake releases him and his hunchbacked assistant Daniel from prison. Dr. Niemann ætlar að hefna sín á mönnunum sem

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Midnight Manhunt (1945)


Midnight Manhunt (1945) er sett í vaxmyndasafni, þar sem þjófur hefur látist eftir að hafa verið skotinn í íbúð sinni. Making his way to the wax museum, the man was the subject of a police manhunt for stolen diamonds. Two reporters are vying for the story and trying to solve the case before the police do. A secret agent played

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