Louis og True Crime, Louis og True Crime


George Tragos gained fame as the trainer of Lou Thesz, the dominant National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Champion of the 1950s and early 1960s. Tragos, A 1920 Olympian for his native Greece, possessed an impeccable resume in legitimate wrestling. Born March 14, 1901, in Messinia, Greece, Tragos won national wrestling titles before representing Greece at the 1920 Olympics at only

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Louis og True Crime


At the end of 1932, 22-Hin ársgamla Vila Milli kærði eiginmann sinn, atvinnuglímukappinn Wladek Zbyszko, fyrir skilnað vegna líkamlegrar grimmd og framhjáhalds. Milli ákærði hina 41 árs gömlu Zbyszko fyrir líkamlega grimmd fyrir að „faðma hana of fast“. Dunne dómari við hæstarétt Brooklyn fjallaði um skilnaðarmálið. Hann lýsti yfir efasemdum um að Zbyszko hafi misnotað eiginkonu sína. Þó, he did not dismiss the

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Louis og True Crime


While researching the history of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship (1881 – 1922), I discovered Evan “Strangler” Lewis’ early matches in Montana. Prior to researching this topic, I thought Lewis started his career by winning a 64-man wrestling tournament in Montana during 1882. Þó, Lewis did not win the tournament. In May 1882, Lewis wrestled in a Cornish wrestling tournament

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Gotch vs. Louis og True Crime


Frank Gotch drottnaði yfir bandarískri glímu frá 1905 til starfsloka hans í 1913. Gotch, núverandi bandaríski þungavigtarmeistarinn, vann stærsta leik ferilsins í apríl 3, 1908. Gotch sigraði núverandi heimsmeistara í þungavigt í glímu, Georg Hackenschmidt, í Chicago, Illinois. Gotch reyndist jafn yfirburða heimsmeistari og hann hafði verið sem bandarískur meistari. Gotch agreed to

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Gotch Wrestles Handicap Match


Á fimmtudaginn, Apríl 29, 1909, Frank Gotch traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to wrestle highly regarded light heavyweight wrestler Charles Hackenschmidt. Hackenschmidt won the World Light Heavyweight Wrestling Championship under his real name, John Berg. Although fans thought well of Berg, they did not see him as a threat to defeat Frank Gotch in a straight match. To increase fan interest

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Stecher Busts a Trust Buster


Joe Stecher wrestled during a transitional time in American professional wrestling. Prior to 1900, wrestlers engaged primarily in legitimate contests although wrestlers did work matches occasionally. Eftir 1915, all wrestlers worked their matches. Wrestlers wrestled legitimate contests only to settle promotional dispute or to pull off a double-cross. Frá 1900 til 1915, wrestlers engaged in a mixture of worked matches

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Englishmen Wrestle for American Title


Ágúst 7, 1882, American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Edwin Bibby defended his title against English Champion Joe Acton at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The men wrestled a “catch-as-catch-can” match for the world championship. Þó, the public did not recognize the winner of the bout as the world champion. The public recognized the winner as the American Heavyweight

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John Lemm Gets a Second Chance


Janúar 2, 1911, Swiss wrestler John Lemm found himself the laughingstock of professional wrestling fans and reporters. The incident occurred when Lemm wrestled Stanislaus Zbyszko in Buffalo, New York. Fans considered Zbyszko the top contender for Frank Gotch’s world title. Zbyszko was a world class wrestler although more skilled in Greco-Roman wrestling than catch wrestling. Lemm was a skilled

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Miyake vs. Santel Mixed Bout


Á október 20, 1920, Ad Santel, a noted “hooker” or skilled submission wrestler, met Taro Miyake, a Judo and Jujitsu black belt, in a mixed wrestling vs. jujitsu contest. After about 20 sekúndur, Santel secured a half-Nelson on Miyake, lifted him off the mat and slammed Miyake to the floor. The impact knocked Miyake senseless. Miyake’s seconds assisted him back

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