Mahmout pokonuje Jenkinsa w Straight Falls


On Thanksgiving in America, Thursday, Listopad 26, 1908, Yussouff Mahmout wrestled former American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Mahmout recently to the United States to wrestle Frank Gotch for the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. If Mahmout defeated Jenkins, Mahmout would prove to be a bona fide challenger to Gotch. Jenkins was the

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Korzenie Missouri Jacka Claybourne’a


Jack Claybourne, one of the earliest African-American, professional wrestlers, was born Elmer Claybourn at Mexico, Missouri, on March 8, 1910. W 1910, Mexico was home to about 5,939 residents. Claybourne started his professional wrestling career in Missouri in 1931. Initially, Claybourne wrestled in nearby Moberly, Missouri. Moberly had a population of 13,722 residents compared to 8,290 residents in Mexico, Missouri

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Wspomnienia Henry'ego Mosesa Dufura


Henry Moses Dufur held the World Heavyweight Collar-and-Elbow Wrestling Champion during the 1870s. Przez 1855, Dufur retired from professional wrestling to pursue his full-time profession of clothing tailor. Even during his wrestling career, Dufur worked as a tailor. Dufur told the correspondent from The Boston Globe that he was born in Richford, Vermont on June 5, 1943. This date of

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Before He Was Ed “Dusiciel” Chwytak


Wrestling historians consider either Ed “Strangler” Lewis or Frank Gotch to be the greatest American professional wrestler. While we know quite a bit about the early career of Frank Gotch, we know much less about the early career of Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Various sources claim Lewis learned catch-as-catch-can wrestling in the carnivals when he was only fourteen years old. Chwytak

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Burns walczy z Wasemem


Poza tym, że jest to preferowane miejsce treningów zawodowych bokserów i zapaśników w St. Louis, St. W Louis Business Men's Gymnasium odbywały się mniejsze imprezy bokserskie i zapaśnicze. W 1898, były mistrz USA w wadze ciężkiej w zapasach Martin „Farmer” Burns walczył z Oscarem Wasemem przed małą publicznością w Business Men’s Gymnasium. Burns zaczął trenować zapaśników na pełny etat i

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Jack Pfefer demaskuje pro wrestling


Na początku lat 30. XX w, najpotężniejszych promotorów wrestlingu zawodowego, Jacka Curleya, Josepha „Tootsa” Mondta, Pawła Bowsera, i Tom Packs wykonali na sobie podwójne dośrodkowanie, szkodząc ogólnej sile przyciągania swoich zapaśników. Podczas wojny promocyjnej, Jack Pfefer sprzymierzył się z Jackiem Curleyem i „Tootsem” Mondtem, który uciekł z Nowego Jorku. In late 1933, Curleya i

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