Deadliest Night for St. Louis Póilíní
An eachtra deadliest i Naomh. Ní raibh stair Louis Póilíní shootout, tubaiste nádúrtha nó gníomh sceimhlitheoireachta. An eachtra deadliest i Naomh. Tharla stair Louis Póilíní ar an oíche Dé Luain, September 3, 1900. Ba é an leictreachas an t-ionsaí mar líne cumhachta le 3300 volta leictreachais thit isteach na línte teileafóin, at Eight Street and Carr Avenue. Cheangail na línte gutháin beagnach gach bosca glaonna na bpóilíní i gceantar Downtown.
70 íospartaigh ionchasacha ab ea na póilíní a bhí ar patról i gCeantar an Bhaile agus iad ag déanamh a mbealach chuig na boscaí glaonna dá gcuid 7:00 p.m. check-ins. By the end of the night, luigh beirt phóilín marbh agus dódh trí cinn déag eile go dona nó gortaíodh iad de bharr gur caitheadh as na boscaí glaonna nó as lárionad glaonna na ceanncheathrún.
Before the implementation of the two-way radio, ghlaoigh póilín isteach ar an mbosca glaonna gach uair an chloig, mar sin bhí a fhios ag an stáisiún go raibh siad ceart go leor. Ba é an bosca glaonna an príomhbhealach freisin chun glaoch ar iompar tar éis duine a ghabháil. As the policemen began to make their way to the call boxes, bhuail an sruth leictreach oibreoir in aghaidh an bhalla san ionad glaonna ceanncheathrún. St. Louis Police command personnel sent out messengers to warn the officers about the potential threat but many did not get the warning in time. A lineman, who responded to police headquarters, was also badly shocked, nuair a rinne sé iarracht aghaidh a thabhairt ar an bhfadhb.
Most of the thirteen officers, who were injured, d’fhulaing siad dónna nó bhuail an sruth iad gan aithne. A couple suffered joint injuries from being thrown from the call boxes. The most common burn injuries were to the hands from inserting keys into the call box or cranking the call box handle.
Patrolman John F. Killoren inserted his key into the call box at Fifteenth Street and Franklin Avenue and was blown back into the street. Killoren staggered to his feet and tried to open the call box again before bystanders could stop him. Leagadh ar ais isteach sa tsráid é arís agus dónna tromchúiseacha ina lámha.
In addition to the injured officers, go leor á n-iompar chuig ospidéil áitiúla ag saoránaigh, chaill beirt oifigeach a mbeatha an oíche sin. The current killed young officer, Nicholas F. Beckmann, and veteran officer, John P. Looney.
Beckmann was a twenty-six year old police officer and veteran of the Spanish-American War. Beckman fought at the battle of San Juan Hill, which made Theodore Roosevelt’s Rough Riders famous.
Beckman used the call box on Eighteenth Street between Washington and Carr Avenue. As Beckmann opened the call box, he screamed and fell backward. Bystanders took him to the nearby Protestant Hospital, where he never regained consciousness. The department had to break the news to his widowed mother, who lived with Beckmann.
James Looney was a 41-year-old husband and father, who had been on the force since 1893. Looney was shocked trying to open the call box at Twelfth Street and Morgan Avenue. Tógadh go dtí an íoclann é ach ní bhfuair sé a chomhfhios arís freisin. Fuair sé bás 15 minutes after the initial shock.
Chinn oifigigh Soilsiú na Cathrach foinse na turrainge a bheith mar líne cumhachta ó Chuideachta Conarthach Seckner. According to city officials, the Seckner Company’s lines were supposed to be below ground but the company received a waiver from the Board of Public Improvements. Ghearr na hoifigigh síos na línte freagracha agus dúirt siad le Seckner na línte a adhlacadh.
In 2006, Naomh. Louis Police Department recognized that Michael P. Burke, who was one of the thirteen men shocked that night, fuair bás ón turraing 15 months later on December 13, 1901. Bhí sé ar cheann de na hócáidí annamh go triúr St. Louis officers would lose their lives in the same incident. The department shootouts get much more coverage but the deadliest night in St. Louis Police history was September 3, 1900, nuair a d'ionsaigh leictreachas fórsa gan amhras ag déanamh a ndualgas.
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