Deadliest Night for St. Louis Policía

O incidente máis mortífero en St. Historia Louis Policía non era un tiroteo, desastre natural ou acto de terrorismo. O incidente máis mortífero en St. Historia Louis policía tivo lugar na noite deste luns, Setembro 3, 1900. Electricity was the assailant as a power line with 3300 voltios de electricidade caeu sobre as liñas telefónicas, at Eight Rúa e Carr Avenue. The telephone lines connected almost all the policemen’s call boxes in the Downtown area.

70 policeman patrolling the Downtown District were potential victims as they made their way to the call boxes for their 7:00 p.m. check-ins. Ao final da noite, two policeman lay dead and thirteen others were seriously burned or suffered injuries from being thrown from the call boxes or the headquarters call center.

Antes da implantación da radio bidireccional, policeman called in on the call box every hour, so the station knew they were okay. The call box was also the primary way to call for a transport after arresting someone. Como os policías comezaron a facer o seu camiño para as caixas de chamada, the electric current knocked an operator against the wall in the headquarters call center. St. Louis Police command personnel sent out messengers to warn the officers about the potential threat but many did not get the warning in time. Un xogador de liña, que responderon á sede da policía, foi tamén mal impresionado, when he tried to address the problem.


Publicar -Dispatch artigo sobre o incidente desde setembro 4, 1900

A maioría dos xestores de trece, que resultaron feridas, suffered burns to their hands or were knocked unconscious by the current. Unha parella sufriu lesións nas articulacións de ser lanzada a partir das caixas de chamada. As queimaduras máis comúns foron para as mans de introducir chaves no cadro de chamada ou poñer en marcha o puño da caixa de atención.

Patrolman John F. Killoren puxo a clave no cadro de chamada na Rúa XV e Franklin Avenue e foi soprado de volta á rúa. Killoren cambaleou e intentou abrir a caixa de chamada de novo antes de espectadores podería detelo. He was knocked back into the street again with serious burns to his hands.

Ademais dos policías feridos, many transported to local hospitals by citizens, two officers lost their lives that night. A cadea mozo oficial morto, Nicholas F. Beckmann, e oficial veterano, John P. Looney.

Beckmann was a twenty-six year old police officer and veteran of the Spanish-American War. Beckman fought at the battle of San Juan Hill, which made Theodore Roosevelt’s Rough Riders famous.

Beckman usado caixa de chamada en Eighteenth Street entre Washington e Carr Avenue. Como Beckmann abriu a caixa de chamada, el gritou e caeu cara atrás. Transeúntes o levou ao Hospital protestante nas proximidades, onde nunca recuperou a consciencia. O departamento tivo que dar a noticia para a súa nai viúva, que vivía con Beckmann.

James Looney era un home de 41 anos de idade eo seu pai, que estivera en vigor desde a 1893. Looney quedou impresionado ao tentar abrir a caixa de chamada en TWELFTH Street e Morgan Avenue. He was taken to the dispensary but also never regained consciousness. He died 15 minutos despois do choque inicial.

City Lighting officials determined the source of the shock to be the power line from the Seckner Contracting Company. Segundo as autoridades da cidade, the Seckner Company’s lines were supposed to be below ground but the company received a waiver from the Board of Public Improvements. The officials cut down the responsible lines and told Seckner to bury the lines.

En 2006, o St. Louis Departamento de Policía recoñeceu que Michael P. Burke, que foi un dos trece homes chocou aquela noite, died from the shock 15 meses despois de decembro 13, 1901. It was one of the rare occasions that three St. Louis officers would lose their lives in the same incident. Os tiroteos departamento ser moito máis cobertura, pero a noite máis mortal en St. Historia Louis Policía foi setembro 3, 1900, when electricity attacked an unsuspecting force doing their duty.

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