Different Seasons, Different Missions

Michael Hyatt recently wrote an article about retirement being a modern invention and dirty word. I agree with his views with one caveat. At different seasons in our life, it is time to let somethings go to make space for new things. To do new things well, we sometimes have to let go of the old.


Me Breaking Boards around age 26

When I was in my twenties, I was trying to finish my education as a non-traditional student and started martial arts. After I married Tam in 1996, I had to drop the martial arts because raising my family and finishing school took up most of my time.

В 2000, I started training in martial arts again with my daughter Caitlin. I finished up my college degree during which time my sons “Тройка” and Caleb also joined us. I was still in my early thirties, so I was competing in about a tournament a month. В конечном счете, Caity went society on us but “Тройка” and Caleb continued training with me.


Caleb and Me Teaching at My Instructor’s Class

During 2005, I earned my first black belt and began instructing. I quit competing in 2008 and moved into teaching full-time. I enjoyed teaching but over the last two years the almost twenty years of martial arts training and thirty years of weight training began to take their toll. As I sit here writing this article, I have an icepack on my neck and left knee.

Based on a number of factors, I decided to stop teaching at my Taekwondo instructors class and focus on training my sons. My oldest son “Тройка” is going to reopen our school next year. I’m going to help him for four years, when I will occasionally help at the boys class and train the black belts once a month.

trey -getting -black -belt

Awarding “Тройка” his black belt on April 27, 2013.

In each season of life during my martial arts career, I had a mission. Первоначально, it was to learn as much as possible and compete. In the next season, I was still competing but I was learning how to teach. I transitioned into teaching at both my instructor’s and my school before preparing for the new season as a senior instructor. If I had tried to stay as a competitor and part-time teacher, I would never have progressed nor made the contribution that I should.

I used my martial arts career as an example but it could apply to any area of your life.

What do you need to let go of? What do you need to transition to? You can leave a comment or ask a question on my Facebook страницы или Twitter профиль.

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