Доубле-Цроссинг Голд Дуст Трио Боок

На марта 3, 1922, И “Давитељ” Луис је вратио Светско првенство у рвању у тешкој категорији од Станислауса Збисзка. Овај догађај означио је почетак једног од најдоминантнијих професионалних рвачких комбината у историји. Менаџер Билли Сандов, Светски шампион Ед “Давитељ” Луис и партнер за обуку/промотивни геније Џозеф “Toots” Mondt, познат као “Голд Дуст Трио”, dominated the sport for the next six years.

“The Gold Dust Trio” generated tremendous gates for their wrestling events. И “Давитељ” Lewis was the highest paid professional athlete of the 1920s even outdrawing the great Jack Dempsey.

дупло прелажење-златне прашине-трио-цовер

Cover of Double-Crossing the Gold Dust Trio available in Hardcover, Paperback and Kindle on Amazon.com

<Спан ббок_к = "289" ббок_и = "553" ббок_в = "56" ббок_х = "20" фсизе = "14" фвеигхт = "3" црвено = "255" зелено = "255" плави = "255" алфа = ", their business practices infuriated many established promoters. The animosity boiled over in a Philadelphia wrestling ring during April 1925. The double-cross changed the landscape of professional wrestling for the next three years. It also led to the demise of the Gold Dust Trio. Professional wrestling only recovered financially with the Jim Londos phenomenon of the 1930s.

На августа 6, 2021, I released Доубле-Цроссинг тхе Голд Дуст Трио: Последње ура Станислауса Збисзка on Amazon in both Kindle, paperback, and hardcover.

This book covers the formation of the Gold Dust Trio, the events leading up to the double-cross, the double-cross itself, and the aftermath. I focus on the careers of Ed “Давитељ” Луис, Ваине “Big” Мунн, and Stanislaus Zbyszko.

Readers will come away with a better understanding of the state of professional wrestling between 1920 и 1928. The 1920s were the best of times and the worst of times for professional wrestling.

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