Downside of Being Family Historian

מאל ווען איר זענען ריסערטשינג די משפּחה געשיכטע, איר באַקומען אַ פּריקרע קלאַפּ. איך איז געווען ריסערטשינג מיין סטעפּדאַד ערנעסט C. דיאַז ס משפּחה געשיכטע אין די ביבליאָטעק פון קאָנגרעס דאַטאַבאַסע. טאַטע האט ניט וויסן פיל וועגן דעם מאָעללענבורגס, אַזוי איך האָבן שוין טריינג צו געפינען מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע אויף זיי. בשעת די אנטדעקונג איז געווען באַטייַטיק, it was also a bit depressing. Dad’s aunt Annie Moellenburg died at 6 months old during August 1903.

I do not know the exact date of Annie’s birth or death. Annie would have been born in January or February 1903. She died in August prior to August 13, 1903. Annie’s burial notice was printed in the Thursday, ויגוסט 13, 1903, of the St. לוי רעפובליק. Annie died from infant cholera. טראַדזשיקלי, her mother Adele Moellenburg nee Barman would die in 1904.


Diaz Siblings – Adele, טאַטע, Rita, Quentin and Marie

The Moellenburgs lived at 7825 Pennsylvania Avenue at the time of Annie’s death. The Moellenburg family emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1895. Dad’s mother Marie Moellenburg would be born in 1896 to John and Adele Moellenburg. Annie was Marie’s younger sister.

While Annie died long before Dad or I were ever born, it was sad to see such a young life lost. John Moellenburg would suffer two significant losses in a brief time. You cannot help but empathize with what he went through. It is easier to write about family members that you did not know. אָבער, when you discover that a child died so young and what it meant to the family, it is tragic.

I have discovered children who died young and were not originally in the family records. Genealogy and history face the same challenges. If someone does not record it, we lose the history within a generation or two. Rest in peace, little Annie.

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