Еллери Куеен, Мајстор Детектив (1940)

Новембра 30, 1940, Цолумбиа Пицтурес објавио први од седам Еллери Куеен филмова глуми Ралпх Беллами као Еллери Куеен. Еллери је син инспектора Куеен, Шеф њујоршке Детективи. Еллери је романописац, који такође помаже оцу са решавањем злочина. У Еллери Куеен, Мајстор Детектив (1940), a health guru has committed suicide but Ellery Queen believes it was murder.

Inspector Queen is not so sure that his son Ellery is right but he trusts his instincts enough not to rule out the possibility. Inspector Queen is searching for Nikki Porter, who may be a witness or suspect in John Braun’s death. Ellery Queen does not believe that Nikki Porter is involved and hides her out their home as the cook.

Eventually Ellery Queen brings the mystery to a conclusion in a tight 65 minute mystery. Like most Columbia films, Еллери Куеен, Мајстор Детектив (1940) је “Б” филм. It would have been the “warm-up” film for the feature film. <Спан ббок_к = "289" ббок_и = "553" ббок_в = "56" ббок_х = "20" фсизе = "14" фвеигхт = "3" црвено = "255" зелено = "255" плави = "255" алфа = ", several “Б” films were both entertaining and well done. This film fits that bill.


Still from Ellery Queen, Мајстор Детектив (1940)

One of the things that Columbia Pictures did well was casting Ralph Bellamy as Ellery Queen and Margaret Lindsay as Nikki Porter. They had an on-screen chemistry that was not present when William Gargan took over the role later in the series.

Ralph Bellamy was born on June 17, 1904 у Чикагу, Illinois. He acted in movies, television and on-stage for more than 60 године. He started on the stage in 1919, broke into films in 1931 and made his final film or television appearance in Pretty Woman (1990). Bellamy would marry four times but the fourth time was a charm. He married Alice Murphy in 1949. They remained married until a lung ailment led to his passing on November 29, 1991 у 87 година.

Margaret Lindsay was born Margaret Kies in Dubuque, Iowa on September 19, 1910. She broke into the movies in 1932. She made her last film in 1963. Although she was linked romantically to William Gargan, her later co-star in the Ellery Queen films, she never married. She died on May 9, 1981 у 70 година.

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