Epizoda 12 – “Little Demon”


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“Little Demon” godine Joe Acton stigao je u Sjedinjene Države 1882 da izazove Edwina Bibbyja za prvenstvo u hrvanju uhvati-kao-uhvati, which developed into the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship.


Joe Acton from a 19th Century Illustration (Public Domain)

Acton’s career illustrated the difficulties for professional wrestlers in securing matches and being able to live off their ring offerings.

While Acton held the title from 1882 to 1887, Acton averaged two to three matches a year. Acton only defended the title a handful of times as most wrestlers feared wrestling Acton in a catch wrestling match.

Acton supplemented his wrestling income by organizing foot and dog races at Pasttime Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The race and gambling income from this business exceeded Acton’s wrestling income.

U 1887, Acton wrestled a series of matches with Evan “Davitelj” Klin dizač, the only wrestler on his level in catch wrestling.

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