قسمت 14 – کورا لیوینگستون
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I begin the episode by discussing the need to alternate between co-hosted and solo episodes for the foreseeable future.
محتوای اصلی
I discuss the early career of the first recognized Women’s World Wrestling Champion, کورا لیوینگستون. <طول bbox_x = "359" bbox_y = "1473" bbox_w = "12" bbox_h = "20" fsize = "14" fweight = "3" قرمز = "255" سبز = "255" آبی = "255" آلفا = " 1908, لیوینگستون پس از شکست لیوینگستون هیزل پارکر قهرمان کشتی زنان آمریکا شد..
Cora Livingston gained her first national exposure when Livingston took part in a two-week tour of Washington, D.C. Livingston repeated these tours through early 1908.
I end the podcast by sharing my thoughts on the Survivor Series 2022 premium live event. I do not spoil the results while discussing the good and bad of the card.
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