Episode 15 – Lewis’ L-aħħar Konkorsi


We have a guest in the studio this week. kuġin tiegħi, Dan Zimmerman, jingħaqad magħna biex nitkellmu dwar l-attendenza live wrestling cards f’St. Louis u Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Dan jirrakkonta kif kważi qtilna t-tnejn waqt karta tal-lott tal-WWF fl-Awditorju ta’ Kiel f’St.. Louis during 1986.

Suġġett Ewlieni

We discuss the last two legitimate contests Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled during the 1930s. Joseph “Toots” Mondt recruited his old training partner and business partner from the Gold Dust Trio to settle two promotional wars. Mondt talked Lewis into wrestling legitimate contests with Ray Steele and Lee Wykoff, respectively, to settle the promotional disputes.


Ed “Strangler” Lewis with his world title belt (Public Domain)


We spend the final segment of the show discussing the AEW investigation of the post-PPV media scrum and what it may portend for the future of the company.

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Malajr irritorna Oklahoma u ħalef li qatt ma jerġa’ jpoġġi sieq il-ħabs
