Episod 59 – Peseks

Dalam episod ini, kita membincangkan bagaimana Hubert dan Charley Pesek mempengaruhi kerjaya John “Lelaki Harimau Nebraska” pasir.


We are still a few episodes from Dan coming back on the podcast. Dia beransur pulih secara perlahan tetapi pasti.

I also briefly talk about AEW Forbidden Door dan WWE Money in the Bank.


Charles Pesek around 1920 (Public Domain)

Main Content

John “Lelaki Harimau Nebraska” Pesek had two younger twin brothers, Charles and Hubert.

Events in Charlesand Hubert’s life outside of the ring would affect John Pesek’s career inside the ring.


I recently found a five minute clip of a match between Danny McShane vs The Bulldog. Dallas 1950s – YouTube.

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