Episode 62 – Taro Miyake/Rikidozan vs. Kimura

I denna episod, vi tittar på Taro Miyakes utmaningsmatcher i England och granskar ett av få dubbelkorsningar efter bildandet av National Wrestling Alliance.


I will release the John Pesek book in early to mid-September 2024.

Jag hoppas kunna färdigställa nästa bok i december 2024.

I recommended the FightLore series on YouTube about early UFC history.


Podcast Art for the It Was Almost Real: Podcasten Pro Wrestling History

Main Content

We discuss Taro Miyake’s challenge matches in England to spread Jujitsu. Emellertid, the challenge matches soon became a vital source of income.

Miyake could not generate enough income from martial arts instruction to support himself.


We also spend considerable time reviewing Rikidozan’s double-cross of Masahiko Kimura in 1954. Del 1 och Del 2 of the videos are available on YouTube.

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