Эпизод 64 – Улица. Луис’ Первый профессиональный рестлер

В этом эпизоде, Рассказываю о профессиональной борцовской и судейской карьере Санкт-Петербурга.. Луис’ первый профессиональный борец, George Baptiste.


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Улица. Луис’ первый профессиональный борец, George Baptiste, was five feet, six inches tall and weighed one hundred sixty-five pounds. A successful middleweight wrestler, Baptiste also trained wrestlers, like Oscar Wasem, before transitioning into refereeing.


Artist Rendering of George Hackenschmidt’s St. Louis Matches from the Public Domain

Baptiste wrestled his most famous opponent, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Georg Hackenschmidt, в Санкт-. Louis during 1905. Hackenschmidt dominated the 42-year-old Baptiste.

I did mention Hackenschmidt’s training manual and autobiography, How to Live in Health and Strength (партнерская ссылка). At least the last half of the book is Hackenschmidt’s life story. “Hack” talks about the match with Baptiste in St. Луис.

Baptiste had two tumultuous marriages before find happiness near the end of his life.

Baptise died of stomach cancer at 74 years of age on December 1, 1938. Baptiste left an estate valued at $200,000. His brothers and nephew contested the will but the judge ruled in favor of Baptiste’s new wife and niece.

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