Episod 65 – Joe Stecher në vitet 1910

Në këtë episod, diskutojmë lajmet, Salla e Famës së Vëzhguesit të Mundjes, Joe Stecher në vitet 1910, dhe rishikoni një ndeshje nga Mid-Atlantic në 1983.


I have completed about a third of the new project on Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ karrierën e hershme. Mendoj se projekti mund të përfundojë në mes të janarit 2024.

We discuss CM Punk returning to WWE and what it could mean for both WWE and AEW.


Arti i Podcast-it për The Was Pothuajse Real: Podkasti i Historisë së Mundjes Pro

Main Content

We discuss the first few years of Joe Stecher’s career leading into Stecher winning the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship but fans recognizing Stecher as the World Champion.

We also discuss where Stecher ranks amongst Ed “Strangler” Lewis, Frank Gotch, and Stanislaus Zbyszko.


We review this year’s Wrestling Observer Hall of Fame. I have to admit during the discussion that my initial biases were wrong about the voters.

We end the episode discussing a Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling match between Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine prior to the Dog Collar Match at Starcade 1983.

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