Epizodo 7 – La Maskita Mirindaĵon

En ĉi tiu epizodo, mia nova kungastiganto kaj plej juna filo, Caleb Zimmerman, aliĝas al la podkasto. Ni diskutas lastatempajn ŝanĝojn ĉe World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) kaj la fruaj pozitivaj signoj de la nova gvida teamo.

The main topic of the show is the Masked Marvel and the 1915 Nov-Jorko Internacia Luktada Turniro. Sam Rachmann reklamis la turniron, which was two tournaments. Rachmann promoted the spring tournament from the middle of May until the end of June.


Aleksander “Alex” Aberg (Publika Domajno)

Fans filled the 6,000 seat Manhattan Opera House to watch the Greco-Roman wrestling tournament even though catch-as-catch-can wrestling dominated the American wrestling scene. Rachmann’s handpicked successor to Frank Gotch, Aleksander “Alex” Aberg dominated the tournament. Wladek Zbyszko also wrestled exceptionally during the spring tournament.

Based on the success of the spring tournament, Rachmann staged a fall tournament, which started at the end of October. Fans stayed away from the second tournament forcing Rachmann to create a gimmick to save his event. Rachmann created the Masked Marvel, La unue maskita luktiston en Usono.

We finish this episode by talking about a match from St. Louis je 1979: David Von Erich vs. Harley Race. Mia filo, who did not watch wrestling growing up, gives his thoughts on his introduction to professional wrestling.

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Masked Marvel to the Rescue is available on Amazon in e-book, poŝlibro kaj durkovraĵo

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