Episodio 8 – Promozione del wrestling

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In questo episodio, Parlerò dello sviluppo del sistema promozionale negli anni '10 e all'inizio degli anni '20.


Update on the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship book project due out before Christmas this year. Questo progetto è molto più grande di quanto immaginassi. Wrestlers worked more of the matches than I initially suspected as well. The good news is I believe a solid timeline for the belt will be established with this book.


Photo of Jack Curley from 1910 (Public Domain)

Contenuto principale

Why I Wrote the Post?

First Phase (1860s to 1890s) – Backers (wrestling fans) usually served as promoters.

Second Phase (1885 to 1910s) – Managers acted as quasi-promoters partnering with athletic clubs, buildings and sometimes backers to secure venues for matches.

Third Phase (1910s and 1920s) – Development of local promoters in the major and smaller cities who formed weak alliances to control professional wrestling. The promoters were not weak but the alliances were because the promoters often turned on each other.

Recensione di wrestling

Head Over Heels: Remembering Wrestling at the Chase by PBS Channel 9 St. Louis.

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