Episode 80 – Exposing the Business

ამ ეპიზოდში, I discuss how the Divided Championship Era began to expose the worked nature of professional wrestling.


BBC recently made a decision about the BBC Sounds app that is truly irritating.

I will be giving a St. Louis history presentation at Eugene Field House აპრილს 5, 2025.

The Divided Championship Era book should be available in June 2025.


Photo of “Strangler” Lewis and Joe Stecher prior to their 1928 match in St. Louis (Public Domain)

Main Content

By 1927, pressure mounted on both Joe Stecher’s and Ed “Strangler” Lewis’s camps to end the divided championship.

Newspaper reports about Jack Curley, Billy Sandow, and the Stecher Brothers controlling wrestling in certain states and territories appeared in summer 1927.

Fans also realized that Lewis and Stecher defended their respective titles in the same cities against the same opponents.

ბოლოს, Martin Slattery, the former manager of John “ნებრასკის ვეფხვის კაცი” Pesek gave the Illinois Athletic Commission damning information about the worked nature of professional wrestling.

The publicity did not negatively affect the box office but both camps started to worry that it might the longer the Divided Championship Era lasted.


I started reading Louisville’s Greatest Show: The Story of the Allen Athletic Club by John Cosper. It is an easy and informative read.

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