Episodio 82 – Attenzione indesiderata, Parte 1

In questo episodio, I will be talking about an Illinois select committee’s investigation into professional boxing and wrestling in Chicago, Illinois. In part one, we discuss the revelations that made Joe Stecher look bad.

Introduction and Update

The Starz series Heels and my early thoughts

The Divided Championship will be available in June 2025


John “L'Uomo Tigre del Nebraska” Pesek pinning Joe Stecher during their April 22, 1926 World Title match in St. Louis (Public Domain)

Contenuto principale

Slattery’s Revelations

During June 1927, the Illinois state legislature rocked the professional boxing and professional wrestling worlds when a subcommittee started investigating the state athletic commission. Before the committee concluded its work, it suspended the boxing and wrestling licenses of 130 athletes.

Martin Slattery, the former manager for John “L'Uomo Tigre del Nebraska” Sabbia, provided damning information against Joe Stecher and Tom Packs, St. promotore di Luigi.

Gallus further asked Slattery if Slattery knew of any fixed matches. Slattery said, “Yes. Joe Stecher’s April 22, 1926, title defense against John Pesek was a set up affair.” Slattery said that Joe Stecher made Pesek put up $16,000 as forfeit if Pesek double-crossed Stecher. Pesek also had to guarantee an automatic rematch.

Pesek intended to double-cross Stecher anyway but the threat of suspension by Missouri State Athletic Commission if Pesek double-crossed Stecher changed Pesek’s mind. Pesek knew Packs had the connections on the commission to convince the commissioners to suspend Pesek.


Konnan vs. Perro Aguayo from 1990 in Messico. It is not the mask versus hair match. It is a match billed as mano a mano prior to the mask versus hair match.

Wrestling News

I discuss John Cena’s promo on Raw trying to explain his ill-advised heel turn.

I also share my thoughts on John Moxley taking a suplex on a spiked baseball bat.


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