Gertrude Henrietta “Gert” Mosblech (1911-1993)

Të shtunën, Korrik 15, 1911, Eduard dhe Magdalena Mosblech mirëpritur fëmijën e tyre të tretë, Gertrude Henrietta Mosblech, në botë. “Hallë Gert” ka lindur në Shën. Louis, Misuri, më i vjetër i tretë i katërmbëdhjetë fëmijë. “Hallë Gert” mban një vend të veçantë në historinë e familjes Mosblech për ngrohtësinë e saj, joy and affection for her many nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews.

We called her our great-aunt but the genealogy term is grand-aunt. Aunt Gert was grand. She lived in the same four family flat that we did in the 1970s, so we saw her every day. Even though she was in her sixties, she always had time for us kids. She never tried to brush us off and enjoyed when we come over and watch television with her.


Hallë “Gert” dhe nëna ime në vitet 1950.

Aunt Gert did not have the easiest time in life. When she was younger, she did not learn as quickly as her siblings. While her siblings went to work after they graduated eighth grade, Aunt Gert stayed home and helped Great Grandma take care of the house. When Great Grandma died in 1945, Halla Gerti vazhdoi të kujdesej për shtëpinë.

Great Grandpa was going to take care of Aunt Gert in his will. Megjithatë, Eduard remarried in 1946 and all his money went to his new wife upon his death in 1956.

Aunt Gert worked cleaning houses until she fell down some steps, when she was in her 50s. She could not work any longer and went on Social Security Disability. The disability payments were not enough to cover her expenses, so most of her brothers and sisters chipped in each month to take care of her living expenses.

Aunt Gert lived on the second floor of our flat for a long time until the lady downstairs moved out. We were able to move her downstairs. While she lived on the second floor, my mom always worried about her falling down the steps, so she used to take stuff downstairs for her. Mom would walk down the stairs with Aunt Gert, whenever she saw her coming downstairs.

Aunt Gert had lots of reasons to be bitter but I don’t ever remember her complaining. She always seemed so happy whenever we would go see her. I think she did get lonely at times but I never saw bitterness in her. I used to think Aunt Gert was Mom’s godmother but it was actually Aunt Dolores. Mom said that when she was growing up, Aunt Gert was always the cousin’s favorite aunt. They told her they were going to call her “Aunt Trudy” dhe halla Gert mori goditjen më të madhe nga kjo.

Aunt Gert loved to talk and could not keep a secret. Gjyshja ime, who was Aunt Gert’s younger sister, used to say Aunt Gert was the biggest gossip in the family, which is covering a lot of ground. When I inadvertently shared this information with Aunt Gert, she asked Grandma if she said it. My grandmother did not lie and stated, “Yes, Gertrude. You are the biggest gossip in the family.” They talked it out though and Aunt Gert wasn’t mad. Grandma was always protective of Aunt Gert. Grandma would not speak to one of her brothers, who did not help with Aunt Gert’s care.


Gjyshe, Mami dhe hallë Gert (Gjyshe dhe hallë Gert Jeni Në Qiell Sot)

Në 1980, prindërit e mi divorcuar. Halla Gert përfundonte herë pas here duke qenë kujdestarja jonë. E drejtë para Krishtlindjeve 1980, Babi na tregoni se ai ishte duke u rimartuar. Motrat e mia më të vogla dhe unë po luftonim vërtet me ndryshimet dhe Krishtlindjet po vinin. Halla Gerti do të na shikonte ndërsa mamaja shkonte për pazar. Ajo mbajti duke folur për mënyrën se si ne u do të shikojnë një film Krishtlindjeve atë natë.

Një film Krishtlindjeve ishte gjëja e fundit që në mendjen time. Për të qenë i sinqertë, Unë nuk të vërtetë të vënë shumë aksioneve në miratimin e saj. Kur kemi shkuar mbi atë natë, ajo na kishte fiksuar kokoshka. Film në TV se ajo kishte hyped aq shumë ishte White Christmas (1954). Ishte gjithçka që ajo tha. Për ato dy orë, ne harruar për martesën e ardhshme baba im dhe ndjeu frymën e Krishtlindjeve përsëri.

Filmi ishte vetëm mjekësi e drejtë. Për këtë ditë, ajo është ende favorite film ime e Krishtlindjeve. Pavarësisht kalimit të 30 vjet, Unë ende kujtohet gjallërisht shikuar atë film me, atë natë,, duke ngrënë kokoshka, dhe gëzimi i saj se sa shumë u futëm në film.

Në 1981, nëna ime u martua përsëri. U zhvendosëm nëpër qytet në shtëpinë e vjetër të babait në Villa Avenue. In the late 1980s, Aunt Gert could no longer live on her own. Even though she lived in a care facility, one of her siblings would pick her up and bring her to the family reunions. Ajo ende i kujtonte të gjithë dhe ne ishim shumë të lumtur që e pamë. She just had difficulty getting around and eventually was wheel chair bound.

Të hënën, Shkurt 1, 1993, Gertrude Henrietta Mosblech passed away at 81 vjeç. She outlived a number of her young siblings including my grandmother. She was laid to rest in St. Peter’s and Paul’s Cemetery on February 3, 1993.

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