Greatest Judo Fight Ever Filmed

유도 매니아는 가장 큰 유도 경기 중 하나가 지금까지 영화에서 영화 발생한 것을 인식하지 못하고있을 수 있습니다 1945, 태양에 혈액 (제휴 링크). 제임스 Cagney, 유도에 갈색 벨트가 누군지, 닉 콘돈과 영화의 별, 이전의 진주만 폭격에 도쿄 크로니클에 대한 미국의 신문 편집자.

A few Japanese government officials are trying to warn the Americans about the upcoming attack, while the military is trying to keep the attack secret. Director Frank Lloyd did a good job of showing the tension between the civilian and military authorities prior to World War II.

Condon gains possession of the secret plans, which the police and military are determined to retrieve. It results in one of the best judo fights on film between Condon and Capt. Oshima, portrayed by John Halloran. I don’t know if Halloran had Judo training or if Cagney taught him for the film but the end result is one of the best depictions of Judo in a film.

정지혈 온더썬

Still from the Judo Fight in Blood on the Sun (1945)

The film runs approximately 90 분. After you watch this film, The Judo Saga (1942) by Akira Kurosawa is another great judo film.

The Motion Picture Academy awarded an Oscar for Best Art Direction in a Black and White film to 태양에 혈액. The Cagney brothers collaborated on the film as it was a William Cagney Productions film.

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