Robert Harold “Harry” Zimmerman (1911-1936)
Babu yangu Frank O. Zimmerman’s oldest brother was Robert Harold “Harry” Zimmerman. They had a four older half-brothers and sisters and a deceased half-sister but Harry was the first child of Parker L. Zimmerman na mke wake wa tatu Dolly. Babu itakuwa alizaliwa Mei 28, 1913. Harry is a bit of a mystery as he died around the age of 25 by drowning in the Mississippi River on August 12, 1936. I don’t have his date of birth yet.
At the time of his death, Harry was the supervisor or foreman on a boat or barge that traversed the Mississippi River. It was unusual for such a young man but Harry had an outstanding quality going for him. He was said to stand 6’06” in his stocking feet. Such a large man in the early Twentieth Century must have been an imposing sight.
My uncle believes that Harry was probably promoted because of his size and ability “to throw his weight around”. In the days before strict workplace rules, workmen could be quite tough and difficult to manage. Fist fights to settle disputes between workers or workers and supervisors were much more common place. A tough man of Harry’s size could keep things under control and exert control if he needed to. My uncle feels that could have also led to his untimely death.
While he said Harry could have fallen into the river, anaamini kuwa ni chukimfanyakazi mzuri au wafanyikazi walimsukuma Harry ndani ya maji. Whether they did or didn’t, we will never know but it is certainly possible. It is unusual that so young a man with extensive river experience for his young age would fall into the river.
Hata hivyo, ilitokea, Harry alianguka kutoka kwenye sitaha ya juu ya bag hadi mto chini, urefu wa takriban orofa tatu hadi nne kwenye jengo. Watafutaji walimpata siku iliyofuata katika Mto Mississippi kando ya ukingo wa Illinois upande wa mto.
Parker, Dollie, na kaka na dada zake Harry walihudhuria mazishi yake. Nina picha kutoka kwa mazishi yake. Parker alimzika mtoto wake wa tatu katika umri mdogo sana.
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