Jack Shea Hatimaye Je Time,,en,treni aliwasili St,,en,Missouri karibu,,en,takwimu tatu limeondolewa treni,,en,Mbili afya kuangalia polisi walikuwa wakisindikiza John D,,en,ambao waliuawa St,,en,Louis Ofisa wa Polisi Patrick Doran Novemba,,en,gaunt na mgonjwa Shea hakuna,,en,Heenan ya kwanza,,en

Juu ya Agosti 11, 1896, a train arrived in St. Louis, Missouri around 7:30 a.m. Three figures exited the train. Two healthy looking police officers were escorting John D. “Jack” Shea, who killed St. Louis Police Officer Patrick Doran on November 7, 1881.

The gaunt and sickly Shea was no longer the young thug, ambao kunyongwa Doran wakati wa baada baada ya kutoroka yake ya pili kutoka St. Louis Jail. Shea ilikuwa tu 38 miaka lakini 15 years on the run and a couple of stints in prison clearly left their mark on him.


Artist rendering of Jack Shea from the August 11, 1896 St. Louis baada ya Dispatch (Public Domain)

When the officers escorted the pale Shea in to see St. Louis Polisi Chief Harrigan, Shea aliiambia Harrigan, “Well, Mkuu, Nimekuwa kucheza mchezo kupoteza. Sasa mimi nina kulowekwa kwa 50 years.” Shea alitoroka St. Louis Jail mara nne. Ilikuwa wakati wa kutoroka wake wa pili kuwa alimuua Afisa Doran.

In October 1881, Shea na makundi yake wa karibu Frank Fone ulizuka ya St. Louis Jail kwa mara ya kwanza. Kufanya mfululizo wa wizi na wizi, St. Louis Police captured them in early November 1881.

Novemba 7, 1881, wao alitoroka tena na risasi Afisa Patrick Doran katika harakati kupitia Downtown St. Louis. St. Louis Police captured Shea and returned him to jail.
ndani ya mwezi, Shea na Fone tena alitoroka St. Louis Jail. Wakati Shea alikuwa hatari, Fone was crafty and planned the escapes. Shea kuepukwa kukamatwa hadi 1887, when police captured Shea and brought him back to St. Louis.

Mamlaka kwa karibu wa kumlinda kwa miaka minne alikuwa katika St. Louis Jail. Alijaribu mara mbili kwa mauaji Afisa Patrick Doran, the court sentenced Shea to hang in the first trial. Hata hivyo, Shea mafanikio rufaa. kesi yake ya pili kumalizika katika hukumu ya 50 miaka.

Mnamo Oktoba 2, 1891, an unknown person left an iron gate at the jail open and ten hardened criminals, ikiwa ni pamoja na Shea, alifanya kuepuka yao. Authorities believe the criminals bribed a guard to leave the door open. For the next five years, Shea bounced in and out of prisons in Pennsylvania and Ohio under his alias John Sullivan.

Shea might have continued to elude capture, but a former confederate named Conroy arrived in the Ohio penitentiary near the end of Shea’s sentence for burglary. Conroy told prison authorities who they really had. Prison authorities sent a telegram to St. Louis.

Detectives Jim Tracey and Denny Viehle arrived and took Shea back to St. Louis. Before they arrived and despite his weakened condition, Shea found an opportunity to stab Conroy in the side. Guards stopped him before he could kill Conroy, which Shea admitted was his intent.

Tracey and Viehle took no chances with Shea. They kept him in handcuffs even when he was eating. Wakati walikuwa na kuacha juu ya katika mji kati ya Ohio na Missouri, wao imefungwa Shea katika jela za mitaa mpaka ulikuwa ni wakati wa mafunzo ya kuondoka.

Tracey na Viehle walikuwa wenye busara kuchukua tahadhari yao. While his life on the run weakened Shea, Shea constantly thought about escaping. When a St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter asked him if he would rather the state execute him than serve a 50 mwaka mrefu, Shea alijibu, “Kwa nini, bila shaka hapana. Je, nilipata nafasi ya kutoroka kutoka huko?”

Prison officials transported Shea to the Missouri Penitentiary. kati ya Aprili 1905 and May 1907, officials transferred Shea to the Fulton Asylum. Governor Major commuted the rest of Shea’s sentence on July 3, 1914. Shea ingekuwa kuhusu 56 umri wa miaka.

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Sources: St. Louis baada ya Dispatch, Agosti 11, 1896, edition, p. 3 na Missouri State Penitentiary Records


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