Луис и Робер ја обединуваат титулата

Кога Вилијам Мулдун се повлече од професионалното борење во 1889, имал намера за негов штитеник, Ернст Робер, да стане новиот светски шампион во борење во тешка категорија. Бидејќи Мулдун секогаш ја бранеше својата шампионска титула во грчко-римски стил на борење, неговиот избор имаше смисла. Робер беше веројатно најдобриот грчко-римски борач во Америка во тоа време.

Сепак, љубителите на борењето и новинарот, покривајќи го спортот, were not quick to recognize Roeber as Muldoon had hoped. Прва, catch-as-catch-can wrestling was becoming the dominant American style. Many fans and pundits considered Evan Lewis, the current American Heavyweight Catch-as-Catch-Can Wrestling Champion, to be the best overall wrestler.


Еван “Strangler” Луис во својот врв од јавниот домен

Lewis had given Muldoon a tough tussle in Muldoon’s final match. It took Muldoon 45 minutes to throw Lewis in Muldoon’s specialty of Greco-Roman Wrestling. Due to Lewis’ reputation, Roeber was recognized as the American Heavyweight Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion but not the world champion.

Both men defended their individual titles for the next few years, while demand built for them to meet and unify the championships. Во 1893, the match would finally happen. On March 2nd, Lewis and Roeber would meet at the Olympic Athletic Club in New Orleans, Louisiana to unify the titles.

The match was 3-out-of-5 falls. Falls were often contested in different styles during the 19th Century until catch-as-catch-can became the dominant American style in the late 1890s.

Мажите влегоа во рингот во 9 вечер. Muldoon was announced as Roeber’s second in the weeks leading up to the match. Сепак, he wasn’t in New Orleans for the match. A coin was tossed to select the style for the first fall. Lewis won the toss and unsurprisingly chose catch-as-catch-can for the first fall.

Roeber did have Lewisstranglehold banned for the match but it didn’t help him in the first fall. Lewis had Roeber on his hands and knees almost immediately. Lewis turned Roeber onto his shoulders to win the first fall in 7 минути, 56 seconds.


Sorakichi Matsuda and Ernst Roeber demonstrating wrestling in the late 1880s

Roeber won the second fall, contested by Greco-Roman wrestling rules, во 28 минути, 52 seconds. For some reason, the third fall was Greco-Roman wrestling even though Lewis had won the toss. Lewis proved his wrestling skill though by winning the third fall.

Roeber was desperate entering the fourth fall. He pinned Lewis in a foul-filled fourth fall at 20 минути, 43 seconds. Roeber’s tactics weren’t wise. You didn’t want to make Evan Lewis angry in a wrestling match.

Lewis won the final fall, contested under catch-as-catch-can rules, во 1 minute, 3 seconds. The newspapers don’t say how Lewis won but a quick submission sounds likely. If you made Lewis mad, you better tap quick when he secured a submission hold. Lewis would injure wrestlers on purpose, if they made him angry.

Roeber continued wrestling but Evan Lewis became the major star of the 1890s. He and Martin “Земјоделец” Burns would take American professional wrestling into the 20th Century.

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Source: The Standard Union (Brooklyn, New York), Март 3, 1893 edition, p. 3


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