لوندوس با کلمن و شیکینا کشتی می گیرد

I recently discovered a three minute clip on YouTube, که شامل دو نفر از جیم لوندوس بود’ مسابقات دهه 1930. در اولین مسابقه, لندن با آبه کلمن کشتی گرفت. در مسابقه دوم, لوندوس با اوکی شیکینا یک مسابقه سبک ترکیبی کشتی می گیرد, who was trained by Taro Miyake, کمربند سیاه جودو و کشتی گیر حرفه ای.


جیم لوندوس از نوامبر 16, 1920 نسخه آیداهو استیتمن (Public Domain)

Londos was the biggest box office star in professional wrestling history. While Londos was not in the same league as Ed “<طول bbox_x = "976" bbox_y = "1956" bbox_w = "52" bbox_h = "19" fsize = "13" fweight = "3" قرمز = "255" سبز = "255" آبی = "255" آلفا = "” لوئیس, Joe Stecher or John “ببر نبراسکا” شن و ماسه, Londos did know “hooking”, the insider term for submission wrestling.

Abe Coleman achieved fame asthe Hebrew Hercules.While Coleman stood only 5’03”, he weighed over 200 پوند. Coleman also possessed a professional bodybuilder’s physique without the use of steroids. When Coleman died in 2007 at 101-years-old, he was the oldest living former professional wrestler.

Oki Shikina was born Morio Shikina in Okinawa. Shikina debuted in the early 1930s. Shikina wrestled until 1955, when he was 51-years-old.

Watch the match clips and let me know what you think of it.

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