Martial Arts from 2006 to 2010

This article is the second of two posts, which detail the conditioning and martial arts workouts I performed from 2006 to 2010. నా టైక్వాండో రెండవ డిగ్రీ నలుపు బెల్ట్ మరియు జూడో లో మూడవ స్థాయి బ్రౌన్ బెల్ట్ సంపాదించడానికి ఈ ప్రోగ్రాంని.


Me Breaking Boards around age 26

Martial Arts Workouts

Monday P.M.: Judo Class

Wednesday P.M.: Advanced TKD Workout

Thursday P.M.: TKD Kid’s and Advanced Class

Saturday A.M.: Judo Class or Tournaments

Monday Judo Class: Focused on falls and throws for the first hour, ground fighting for a half hour and randori for the final half hour.

Wednesday Advanced TKD Workout: Primarily focused on walking drills and forms. Our school requires five Kicho forms, eight Taeguek forms and eight Palgwe forms besides the nine WTF black belt forms.

Thursday TKD Class: We teach the five to seven year old class for the first hour. We then did our regular weekly class for the last two hours. The focus of the class could be forms, Olympic Sparring, point sparring or self-defense. The first half-hour is warm-up. The next hour is technique focus. The last twenty minutes the students work on what they need practice on.

Saturday Judo Class: This class is more ground fighting focused. We would warm-up with ground drills. We then moved to hold downs, chokes, arm locks and ground sparring for the remainder of the first hour. We would do throws for a half hour and finish with standing randori for the last 30 minutes.

These workouts combined with the conditioning workouts was about all my body could take. I was in my late thirties at this time. Even if you are younger, I think you will find this schedule challenging for the average person. ఇది ప్రయత్నించండి.

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