Marvel mascarado vence Lurich

(This post is an exert from my newest book Masked Marvel to the Rescue: O truque que salvou o 1915 International Wrestling Tournament available on Amazon.)

A versão de outono do 1915 O Torneio Internacional de Wrestling estava lutando com comparecimento e interesse, quando o promotor Sam Rachmann conquistou o ouro promocional ao introduzir um lutador mascarado em seu torneio. The Masked Marvel stormed the tournament and took a struggling enterprise into the most talked about sporting event in the United States.

Em dezembro de 14, 1915, the Masked Marvel had his most controversial match up to that point, when he wrestled Georg Lurich. Lurich was the first wrestler to put the Masked Marvel in any trouble during the tournament by put him to the mat twice. However, the Marvel squirmed away each time.

a maravilha mascarada

The Masked Marvel circa 1915-1916 (Domínio Público)

The Marvel responded by applying to Lurich’s offence by applying half-Nelsons and arm holds. Lurich would also squirm out of the holds. The match was only scheduled for 20 minutes, so Lurich bowed to the Marvel at the time limit prepared to accept a draw.

However, the crowd wanted more and Rachmann decided to extend the match. After 4 minutos e 30 segundos, the Masked Marvel slammed Lurich to the mat like he had Wilhelm Berner. Lurich immediately submitted verbally before being pinned.

The controversy was caused because Lurich claimed he quit due to striking his head on the floor and being unable to continue. However, fans and reporters at ringside clearly saw Lurich tuck his chin and avoid striking his head on the mats when landing. Lurich insisted that he was too injured to continue and left the mat area.

O “worked” nature of the matches wasn’t readily apparent to the crowd at the time but the Lurich match would look large in future developments around the Masked Marvel.

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Source: The Bridgeport Evening Farmer, Dezembro 15, 1915, p. 8


Masked Marvel to the Rescue está disponível na Amazon em e-book, brochura e capa dura

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