Uffiċjal O'Keefe Jiffranka Fellow Officer
St. Louis Police Officer Cornelius O’Keefe performed countless acts of bravery over his career. Fuq Mejju 26, 1901, O’Keefe proved his toughness and quick thinking again by saving a fellow officer from an excited horse and shed fire.
St. Uffiċjal tal-Pulizija Louis Joseph A. Gerk mgħassa taħbit tiegħu fuq Street Tmintax matul il-għodwa ta 'Mejju 26, 1901, when he saw flames and fire trucks blocks away. Uffiċjal Gerk dam għall-nar fuq wara tal 1402 Triq Olive.
Meta Uffiċjal Gerk waslu, a Sinjura ddisprata. S.J. Oliver begged Gerk biex jiffrankaw żiemel thoroughbred tagħha mwaħħla fil-tinda. Officer Gerk climbed over a couple of buggies but could not get the horse to move.
Gerk grabbed-żiemel madwar l-għonq u beda ġbid l-annimal frightened. Iż-żiemel f'daqqa jerked kap tiegħu u threw Gerk up fl-arja. Blouse Gerk ta maqbuda fuq peg xedd.
While being stuck on the harness peg kept the terrified horse from trampling Gerk, Gerk was helpless as the fire started moving toward both. As Gerk struggled mightily in a fruitless attempt to escape, Uffiċjal Bil (Cornelius) O’Keefe burst into the shed.
Uffiċjal O'Keefe laqat il-musmar xedd mal-klabb tiegħu ħelsien Gerk. Both officers kicked out the wall allowing the officers and the horse to escape. Hekk kif il-grupp ħareġ il-bini, l shed kompletament waqa 'fl fjammi.
Il St. Louis Fire Dipartiment tqiegħed l-nar qabel ma setgħet jinfirxu iżda meqruda kollha tliet barrakki proprjetà BJ. Parker. Parker għexet fid-dar fil- 1402 Triq Olive. Il barrakki kienu fuq wara ta 'dan l-indirizz.
Grazzi għall-azzjonijiet Uffiċjal O'Keefe ta, 27-il sena qodma Uffiċjal Joseph A. Gerk lived to the ripe old age of eighty-two. Hu ħalliena fl St. Louis dwar April 2, 1957.
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