Eustace Wrestles The Champ

alan-eustace-leta 1922

Julija 4, 1922, Alan Eustace je dobil strel proti svetovnemu prvaku v rokoborbi v težki kategoriji Edu “Strangler” Lewis. Eustace, prvak Kansasa, zmagal kvalifikacijski tekmi z “Kmet” Bailey marca 1922 da bi se uvrstil na tekmo z Lewisom. 31-letni Eustace je bil iste starosti kot “Strangler” Lewis, vendar je bil Lewis veliko bolj izkušen. Debitiral pri 14 let,

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Podcast borilne kulture

Tex Rickard je napovedal vojno svojemu nekdanjemu boksarskemu promocijskemu partnerju

Pred kratkim sem bil počaščen, da sem bil gost v The Martial Culture Podcast. Trener Rene Driefuss in Matt Peters sta bila odlična gostitelja. Resnično sem užival v svojem času na njihovem podcastu. Govorila sva o eni od mojih knjig, Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt: Zlasti tekme, ki so ustvarile in uničile zakonito ameriško profesionalno rokoborbo. Vendar, na splošno smo govorili o zgodovini

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Pro Wrestling’s Bad Reputation


Since its emergence as a spectator sport in the second half of the 19th Century, promoters and wrestlers were under a cloud of suspicion that they were working their matches. While professional wrestling would eventually consist almost exclusively of staged exhibitions, many, if not most, of the matches were legitimate contest prior to 1915. Promoters and wrestlers went to great

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Renato Gardini Arrives in 1915


In early 1915, Sam Rachmann promoted the New York International Wrestling Tournament with the intention of replacing retired World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. Rachmann believed no one could defeat Aleksander “Alex” Aberg, Rachmann’s handpicked successor to Gotch, in Greco-Roman wrestling. Rachmann’s challenge was catch-as-catch-can was the dominant wrestling style in America. To get around this challenge, Rachmann recruited international

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Browning Campaigns in Kansas


V 1922, future World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Jim Browning began his career in Kansas. Browning moved from his hometown of Verona, Missouri in 1921 to train for a professional wrestling career. Tom Law, the Wichita, Kansas promoter, oversaw Browning’s training. By May 1923, Browning was already in the main event at smaller shows. On an Augusta, Kansas card, Browning wrestled

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Double-Crossing Gold Dust Trio Book

dvojno prečkanje-zlati prah-trio-platnica

Marca 3, 1922, In “Strangler” Lewis regained the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Stanislaus Zbyszko. This event marked the beginning of one of the most dominant professional wrestling combines in history. Manager Billy Sandow, World Champion Ed “Strangler” Lewis and training partner/promotional genius Joseph “Toots” Mondt, known as theGold Dust Trio”, dominated the sport for the next six

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Alan Eustace Wrestles “Kmet” Bailey

alan-eustace-leta 1922

In the early 1920s, Billy Sandow convinced Georgia promoter Tom Law to move to Wichita, Kansas and develop the area for future wrestling shows. The American Midwest would be a significant revenue generator for the Gold Dust Trio, which Sandow led with World Champion Ed “Strangler” Lewis and promotional genius Joseph “Toots” Mondt, in the 1920s. Law would produce two

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“Kmet” Burns se pripravlja za Lewisa


V 1894, Martin “Kmet” Burns se je pripravljal na boj z Evanom “Strangler” Lewisa za naslov ameriškega prvaka v rokoborbi v težki kategoriji. Medtem ko je Burns vstopal v svoje najboljše čase, Lewis je bil na vrhu ameriške profesionalne rokoborbe 5 let. Lewis se je boril tudi v viskoznem slogu s poudarkom na prijemih podreditve. Burns bi moral biti pripravljen na težko tekmovanje, ki bi lahko

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Jim Browning igra v domačem kraju


Verona, Missouri je majhno mesto na jugozahodu Missourija. Nikoli ne presega 900 prebivalci v njegovi zgodovini, only 438 vsaj tako so ljudje rekli Veroni dom 1926. Še, V mestu je v ponedeljek potekala karta profesionalne rokoborbe, Marec 22, 1926. Brez široke uporabe avtomobilov ali cest, zgrajenih za njihovo obvladovanje, bi bilo potovanje zelo težko 1926.

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London premaga prvaka


V petek, Februar 17, 1922, Svetovni prvak v rokoborbi v težki kategoriji Stanislaus Zbyszko se je boril v hendikepiranem dvoboju proti Francoisu Lemarqueju in prihajajoči zvezdi Jimu Londosu. Londos je bil še nekaj let oddaljen od tega, da bi postal največji žreb blagajne v profesionalnem rokoborbi, vendar je bil najbolj priljubljen rokoborec v St.. Louis. Medtem ko je Londos stal le okoli 5’06” ali 5’07”, je posedoval

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