Marvin Harten irabazi bikoitza


Urtean 1902, etorkizuneko Munduko pisu astuneko boxeo txapelduna Marvin Hart goranzko lehiakidea zen. Batez ere Louisville jaioterritik borrokan ari zen, Kentucky, Hart Kid Carterren aurka jokatu zuen Southern Athletic Club-en maiatzean 2, 1902. Etan 17-1, Hartek bazekien beste garaipen batek bide luzea izango zuela pisu astuneko tituluaren borroka lortzeko. Brooklyn-en jaiotako Kid Carter-ek nahi zuen

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“Baserritarrak” Burns-ek Charles Green-i eusten dio


Azken argitalpen batean, Charles Greenek Evan garaitzeko arrakastarik gabeko saiakerari buruz idatzi nuen “Strangler” Lewis in 1889. Urte bat geroago, Greenek arrakasta handiagoa izan zuen borroka estatubatuar beste kondaira batekin, Martin “Baserritarrak” Erredurak. Laster 29 urteko Burns borrokalari bikaina zen, baina oraindik ez zegoen Evan Lewisen mailan.. Hala ere, goian egon beharko luke 10

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Lewis eta Stecher-ek azken aldiz filmatzen dute


Gold Dust Trio-k 1920ko hamarkadaren hasieran eta erdialdean borroka profesionalean izan zuen nagusitasunak erresumin handia sortu zuen beste borrokalari eta sustatzaile batzuekin. Jeloskortasun profesional honek gurutze bikoitz ospetsu bat ekarri zuen 1925. Une honetatik aurrera, munduko titulua eztabaidatu zen Joe Stecher-ek bertsio bat zeukan, berriz, Ed “Strangler” Lewisek beste bertsioari eutsi zion. Benetako erresumina dela eta

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Charles Green Preps for Evan Lewis


Charles Green, a skilled English catch-as-catch-can wrestler, traveled to the United States in the late 1880s to wrestle the best American wrestlers. Green got his opportunity on July 21, 1889, when he wrestled American Heavyweight Catch-as-Catch-Can Champion Evan Lewis. To prepare for this match, Green took a handicap bout with journeyman wrestler Bert Scheller in late June. Scheller was born

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Ketchel Starches Sullivan


Mike “Twin” Sullivan claimed the Welterweight World Boxing Championship, when he decisioned Honey Mellody in April 1907. Possessing both heavy hands and better than normal boxing skills, Sullivan claimed victories over the great Joe Gans and future Welterweight World Boxing Champion Harry Lewis during his career. Lewis won the welterweight title, when Sullivan could no longer make the 147 pound

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Jenkins’ and Beell’s Closed Door Match


Tom Jenkins had the distinction of being the only wrestler to defeat Frank Gotch multiple times. Jenkins and Gotch traded the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship between 1902 eta 1906. At the time of this match, Jenkins was the champion again. Fred Beell had been campaigning for a match with Jenkins for the past several months. Beell finally convinced Jenkins to

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Little Demon Wrestles Tom Cannon


On Joe Acton’s 33rd birthday, Martxoa 8, 1885, he wrestled fellow countryman Tom Cannon in a 2-out-of-3-falls match at Sportsman Park in New Orleans, Louisiana. Acton and Cannon had a long history together. Both men were born in England in early 1952. Cannon was born a month later than Acton on April 19, 1852. Both men started wrestling in the

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Caddock eta W. Zbyszko Wrestle to Draw


Earl Caddock-ek borroka profesionalaren karrera nahiko labur baina istorio bat izan zuen 1910eko hamarkadaren amaieran eta 1920ko hamarkadaren hasieran.. Profesionaletan debuta egiten du 1915 Borroka amateurrean AAU National hiru titulu irabazi ondoren, Caddock-ek profesionalki borrokatzen zuen arte 1922. Hala ere, munduko txapeldun izendatuko zuten apirilean Joe Stecher garaitu ostean 1917. Caddockek titulua galduko zuen

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