Legezko hamar profesional borrokalaririk onenak
Nor da Estatu Batuetan borrokatzeko legezko borrokalari profesional handiena? Nola zehazten duzu borrokalariak direnean “worked” edo elkarren artean lankidetzan aritu ziren partidetan 1860ko hamarkadan kirola sortu zenetik? .
Amerikarren inguruko diskoak eta istorioak aztertu nituen, Britainiarra, poloniarra, eta borrokalari turkiarrak, artean Estatu Batuetan borrokan aritu zena 1870 eta 1915 during the legitimate era of professional wrestling. I compiled a list fans can debate, in the free e-book, The Top Ten Legitimate Professional Wrestlers in America, 1870 arte 1915 on November 2, 2021. The e-book is a gift for signing up for my quarterly newsletter.
Fans and historians argue over the subjectivity of these lists. I include explanations for their rankings along with a short biography of each wrestler in the Top Ten explaining their ranking
To receive a copy of the e-book, use the form below to gain access. Happy Reading!
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