Ed Lewis-ek Dick Shikat onena


This week’s post is to finish up the story of the double cross involving Dick Shikat and Danno O’Mahony. Gurutze bikoitzaren jatorria Ed-rekin partida batean hasi zen “Strangler” Lewis Madison Square Garden-en ekainean 9, 1932. Partida hau aurrez prestatutako erakusketa izan zen bitartean, the wrestlers had been in discussion about Lewis dropping the belt

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Attell-ek Reaganen aurka defendatzen du


Munduko Luma Pisuko Boxeo Txapeldun gisa egin zuen lehen lasterketan, Abe Attell-ek St. Louis, Missouri. Bere kanpamendua St-en izateaz gain. Louis, Attellek hainbat aldiz defendatu zuen bere titulua St. Louis’ West End Athletic Club. At the time, St. Louis Estatu Batuetako Mississippi ibaiaren mendebaldeko hiririk handiena zen. Abraham Washington Attell jaio zen

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Rudy Robertek lehen titulua hartzen du

bob fitzsimmons

Bob “Rudy Robert” Fitzsimmons boxeolari ingelesa zen, pisu ertain eztabaidaezina irabazi zuena, pisu astunak eta pisu arinak munduko txapelketak, mendearen amaieran. Askotan australiar batekin nahastuta, han hasi baitzuen bere boxeo ibilbidea, Fitzsimmonsek Estatu Batuetara bidaiatu zuen 1890 pisu ertaineko txapelketarako kanpaina egiteko. Fitzsimmons azpian zegoen 6 oinak altu baina

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Belgikako alemaniar Wrestler Nose Bloodies


Maiatzaren On 21, 1915, Nazioarteko Borroka Txapelketan New Yorken hasi zen. Samuel Rachman gertaera bultzatutako Europar greko-erromatar Borroka txapelduna Alek Aberg erakuts modu bat bezala. Rachman sinetsi Aberg Munduko Borroka txapelduna Frank Gotch oinordeko naturala zen, duten erretiratu 1913. Txapelketa lehen egunean, nationalistic feelings about World War I popped up

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Lewis “Triumphs” in Fake Match


The April 12, 1887 St edizioa. Paul Daily Globe carried a story about the bout between feared professional wrestlers, Evan “Strangler” Lewis and “Little Demon” Joe Acton. Other wrestlers feared Lewis’ ability as a submission expert particularly his abilities with the stranglehold. Joe Acton, while undersized at 150 libera, was a ferocious wrestler. The bout should have been

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Terrible Turk’s Horrible Foul of Roeber


Ernest Roeber was an accomplished Greco-Roman wrestler. William Muldoon, the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion from 1880 arte 1889, wanted Roeber to take over from him as World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Hala ere, the world title would continue to be disputed until George Hackenschmidt won several Greco-Roman Tournaments in Europe during 1901. Yusuf Ismail, the Terrible Turk, horietako bat kontsideratu zen

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Ju-Jitsu erakustaldia


Yukio Tani Ingalaterrara 20. mendearen hasieran iritsi zen. Tanik ju-jitsu-a zabaldu zuen borrokalari profesionalen aurkako erronka partidetan parte hartuz. Erronka partidu hauen barruan, Tanik ju-jitsu erakutsi zuen. Erronka eta manifestazio hauen arrakastaren bitartez, Tanik ikusi zuen ikasle asko izena ematen berarekin entrenatzeko. Taniren ingeles ikasle onenetariko batek erabili zuen eszenatokia

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Zbyszko Knocks Out Greek Wrestler


June On 2, 1915, the International Wrestling Tournament in New York City entered its second week of competition. Some of the tournaments big names were wrestling on this night. Alex Aberg, George Lurich and Wladek Zbyszko would all compete. It was Zbyszko who made the biggest impression. The first match involved two lesser talents, Pierre Le Colosse and Wilhelm Berner.

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Wladek Zbyszko Beats Strangler for Title


Martxoan 22, 1919, Eta “Strangler” Lewis met Wladek Zbyszko for the vacant World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. In a surprise victory, Zbyszko defeated Lewis to claim the title. Unfortunately for Wladek Zbyszko, he would only have a cup of coffee with the belt. A month or two later, Zbyszko lost the title to Joe Stetcher. This match was most likely

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