Lewis “Triumphs” fl Match Foloz


Il April 12, 1887 edizzjoni tal-St. Paul Kuljum Globe mwettqa storja dwar l-bout bejn wrestlers professjonali beżgħu, Evan “Strangler” Lewis u “Little dimostrazzjo” Joe Acton. Wrestlers oħra beżgħu Lewis’ abbiltà bħala espert sottomissjoni partikolarment abbiltajiet tiegħu mal-ħakma. Joe Acton, filwaqt li hija taħt fil 150 liri, kien wrestler ferocious. The bout should have been

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Terrible Turk’s Horrible Foul of Roeber


Ernest Roeber was an accomplished Greco-Roman wrestler. William Muldoon, the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion from 1880 li 1889, wanted Roeber to take over from him as World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Madankollu, the world title would continue to be disputed until George Hackenschmidt won several Greco-Roman Tournaments in Europe during 1901. Yusuf Ismail, l Turk Terrible, kien meqjus wieħed mill-

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Dimostrazzjoni ta' Ju-Jitsu


Yukio Tani wasal l-Ingilterra fil-bidu tas-Seklu 20. Tani xerred il-ju-jitsu billi ħa sehem f’logħbiet ta’ sfida kontra wrestlers professjonali. Bħala parti minn dawn il-logħbiet tal-isfida, Tani wera ju-jitsu. Permezz tas-suċċess ta 'dawn l-isfidi u dimostrazzjonijiet, Tani ra ħafna studenti jinkitbu biex jitħarrġu miegħu. Wieħed mill-aqwa studenti Ingliżi ta’ Tani uża l-palk

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Zbyszko Knocks Out Greek Wrestler


Dwar Ġunju 2, 1915, the International Wrestling Tournament in New York City entered its second week of competition. Some of the tournaments big names were wrestling on this night. Alex Aberg, George Lurich and Wladek Zbyszko would all compete. It was Zbyszko who made the biggest impression. The first match involved two lesser talents, Pierre Le Colosse and Wilhelm Berner.

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Wladek Zbyszko Beats Strangler for Title


Dwar Marzu 22, 1919, Ed “Strangler” Lewis met Wladek Zbyszko for the vacant World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. In a surprise victory, Zbyszko defeated Lewis to claim the title. Unfortunately for Wladek Zbyszko, he would only have a cup of coffee with the belt. A month or two later, Zbyszko lost the title to Joe Stetcher. This match was most likely

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Shikat Sorpriżi O'Mahony u Promoturi


Qed nikteb din il-kariga biex nikkoreġi post preċedenti li ktibt dwar double crosses fil-lotta professjonali. Oriġinarjament kont ħsibt li s-slaleb doppji spiċċaw wara li Stanislaus Zybszko qabeż id-doppju tal-Gold Dust Trio. Zbyszko, wara li aċċetta li jitlef kontra Munn, għelbuh f’dak li nbidel f’kompetizzjoni leġittima għall-Kampjonat Dinji tal-Lotta Heavyweight. Ed “Strangler” Lewis, who dropped the

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Midnight Manhunt (1945)


Midnight Manhunt (1945) huwa stabbilit fil-mużew xama, fejn ħalliel mietet wara li jkunu sparati fl-appartament tiegħu. Making his way to the wax museum, the man was the subject of a police manhunt for stolen diamonds. Two reporters are vying for the story and trying to solve the case before the police do. A secret agent played

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Zbyszko Beats Aberg for Title


On February 26. 1914, Stanislaus Zbyszko beat Alex Aberg for the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in Boston, Massachusetts. Zbyszko came to the United States in 1909 to campaign for Frank Gotch’s World Catch-as-Catch Can Championship. Wrestling insiders considered Gotch’s title the World Championship. Zbyszko could not beat Gotch in 1910. Before they had a rematch, Frank Gotch retired in

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M (1931)


Fuq Mejju 11, 1931, Fritz Lang’s classic film M (link affiljat) kien rilaxxat fl Berlin, Ġermanja. Minbarra li l-aktar fuq il-listi għall-quċċata 100 films ta 'kull żmien, Fritz Lang believed his finest film was M (1931). Il-film hija l-istorja ta 'sensiela ta' assassinji tfal li huma jseħħu f'Berlin. The police are determined to catch the killer

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Aberg Beats Other Zbyszko for Title


Ottubru 25, 1915, Aleksander “Alex” Aberg won the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Wladek Zbyszko, the brother of Aberg’s former foe. Fil 1914, Stanislaus Zbyszko defeated Aberg for the World Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Stanislaus Zbyszko returned to Europe. It is doubtful Wladek Zbyszko could make a claim to his brother’s championship. Promoter Sam Rachmann probably created this

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