Muldoon Survives Hard Tilt With Whistler


The powerful William Muldoon was considered invincible as Greco-Roman World Wrestling Champion. Raġel wieħed biss sfida serjament lil Muldoon matul ir-renju dominanti tiegħu. Clarence Whistler ta’ 165 libbra konsistentement ta lil Muldoon l-aktar sfidi iebsa tiegħu. Muldoon and Whistler met on Thursday, Novembru 1, 1883 in San Francisco, California f’waħda mid-diversi logħbiet tagħhom. William Muldoon kien kważi ras aktar għoli u miżun

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Fred Beell Unimpressive in 1903


Fred Beell developed a reputation in the early 20th Century as a powerful and dangerous wrestler. His reputation was not built by his 1903 campaign. Beell suffered as many high-profile defeats as victories. Beell started well in April 1903, when he defeated St. Paul AAU Wrestling Champion James McAuley. McAuley won the first fall in 22 minuti. Beell rebaħ il-

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“Little dimostrazzjo” Mhux biex Beat Whistler


Joe Acton kien wieħed mill-aqwa lottaturi tal-Ingilterra matul is-Seklu 19. 151-pound Acton went through England’s middleweight ranks before plowing through the heavyweights. After beating the best England had to offer including Tom Cannon, Acton decided to test his abilities in the United States. Joe Acton settled in Philadelphia at Arthur Chamber’s Champions Rest during the summer months of

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St. Louis Wrestler sorpriżi Gotch


Frank Gotch holds the title of America’s greatest legitimate professional wrestler. Gotch competed in mostly legitimate contests with a few pre-arranged or “worked” matches thrown in the mix. Billi 1904 jew 1905, no one could really beat Gotch unless he allowed it. In the early years of his career, Gotch was not so dominant. He dropped matches to his mentor,

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Peter Jackson Jiġġieled Frank Slavin


Nhar it-Tnejn, Mejju 30, 1892, il-kbir Peter Jackson boxed bout gloved mal-ex protégé Frank Slavin. Iż-żewġt irġiel għexu u ġġieldu fl-Awstralja, għalkemm l-interess tal-partitarji wassal lil Jackson biex idur id-dinja biex jieħu vantaġġ mill-opportunitajiet finanzjarji fl-Istati Uniti u l-Ingilterra. Bħal fl-Awstralja, Jackson spiss sab boxers bojod mhux lesti jiġġielduh. Ftit

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