Станислав Zbyszko турс 1910


Кон крајот 1909, Станислав Zbyszko отпатува во САД за да ги предизвикаат светот тешкаш шампион во борење, Френк Gotch. Пред состанокот Gotch, Zbyszko турнеја во САД и се бореше многу локални борачи во текот на почетокот на дел од 1910. Zbyszko да патува 37,000 милји. Во почетокот на неговата турнеја, Zbyszko сретна Френк Gotch со хендикеп натпревар. Zbyszko поразен Gotch, who was

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Август H. Elker (1948-1906)

едуард-магдалена и семејство

My second great-grandfather August H. Elker was born in Hanover, Germany on May 22, 1848 in the year of revolutions in Europe. Whether related to the revolutions or not, August’s family travelled to America in 1854. After landing in New York City, the Elker family made its way to St. Louis, Мисури. St. Louis had a large German Catholic community, кои

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Оливер Кирк и 1904 St. Луис Олимпијада


Оливер Леонард Кирк има разлика да биде единствената олимписки боксер да освои златен медал во две одделни тежина настава во иста Олимписките игри. Оливер Кирк оствари овој подвиг во неговиот роден град Олимписките игри во 1904. St. Луис беше домаќин на третиот олимпијада за време на 1904 Светот саем шоу. Like the Paris Games four years before, St. Louis gave

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Murder at the Baskervilles (1937)


Arthur Wontner is arguably the best film portrayer of Sherlock Holmes. His fifth and final outing as Holmes in Murder at the Baskervilles (1937). The film was released in the United Kingdom in 1937 but was not released in America until January 15, 1941. Wontner was excellent as usual but Murder at the Baskervilles is the weakest offering in the

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Gotch Crushes Jenkins for Title


On Thursday, Јануари 27, 1904, Том Џенкинс го одбрани своето американско првенство во борење против идниот борач од Ајова. After the first fall, Навивачите сфатија дека тоа е најтешкиот натпревар на Френк Алвин Гоч, the Humboldt, Iowa farm boy who would defeat Georg Hackenschmidt for the World Heavyweight Championship in 1908, was Jenkins’ challenger. Џенкинс го победи Готч

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Whistler and Ross Disgust Crowd


After several months of wrangling, Clarence Whistler met Duncan C. Ross on Monday, Ноември 7, 1881 in a best three-out-of-five falls match. Two falls were to be conducted in catch-as-catch-can wrestling, which both men were considered adept at. Two falls were to be conducted in collar-and-elbow wrestling, which was a Ross speciality. The final fall would be conducted in Greco-Roman

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Шпанскиот Кејп Мистерии (1935)


Шпанскиот Кејп Мистерии (1935) is an adaptation of one of the Ellery Queen novels. Две братучеди, Фредерик Dannay и Манфред Ли, кој напишал голем број на детективски романи под псевдонимот на насловниот лик. Во овој филм, Ellery кралицата е со земање на одмор во Калифорнија со неговиот пријател судија Macklin. Се разбира,, they are not long into their

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Dan Daly Beats Ed Kelly


In December 1920, robbers killed Patrolman Charles Daly at the entrance to his home in the 4000 block of Forest Park Boulevard. St. Louis Police aggressively investigated the murder but it was never solved. Prior to his death, the Daly name was already well-known in St. Louis. Charles Daly was the son of professional prizefighter Dan Daly, who fought in

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The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes (1935)


The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes (1935) is one of the five Sherlock Holmes films starring Arthur Wontner as Sherlock Holmes. Director Leslie S. Hiscott adapted the Sherlock Holmes novel The Valley of Fear but added to the story to give Professor Moriarty and Col. Sebastian Moran roles in the story. A significant portion of the movie is the retelling of

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Jake Kilrain Boxes to a Draw


While famous for fighting John L. Sullivan in the last world championship prizefight contested under bare knuckle rules, Jake Kilrain also took part in many gloved bouts. Prizefighting was transitioning from bare knuckle rules to gloved bouts under the Marquess of Queensberry Rules (early amateur and professional boxing) in the late 19th Century. Like Sullivan, Kilrain would fight in major

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