• шикат-повредува-омахони

    Епизода 30 – Шикат vs. О'Махони

    https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/b7uzv9/Episode_30abul2.mp3Подкаст: Игра во нов прозорец | DownloadIn this episode, разговараме за двојниот крст на Дик Шикат

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  • Топ-десет-легитимни-борец-книга-покривка

    Топ десет легитимни професионални борачи

    Кој е најголемиот легитимен професионален борач кој се борел во САД? Како

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  • левис-збиско-ракување

    Zbyszko Double Crosses Trio

    Ретко некој се фундаментално го менуваат својата професија, но Stanislaus Zbyszko го направија токму тоа на април,,en,Zbyszko поразен Вејн MUNN во еден од последните снимањето,,en,не изведена,,en,професионални борење натпревари во САД,,en,Тоа беше на снимањето или легитимни натпревар бидејќи Zbyszko двојно преминал,,en,промоција борење и победи MUNN за титулата,,en,Вејн MUNN беше ѕвезда фудбалер на Универзитетот во Небраска,,en,каде што неговиот,,en,фунти рамка беше необично пред стероиди ера,,en,Борење промотори Џејмс,,en,Mondt и Били Sandow,,en,заедно со светот во тешка категорија шампион во борење, Ед,,en,видов пари во голем спортист и покрај неговиот недостаток на способност борење,,en,Претставен како 6,,en,гигант,,en,Трио внимателно го совпаѓа со еден куп на помалку квалификувани борачи,,en,каде MUNN ќе го користи неговата големина и сила да,,en,поразот,,en,мажите,,en

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  • Том-Хајер-бокс-облик

    Том Hyer ритми Јенки Саливан

    Том Hyer освои американскиот голи зглоб Prizefighting првенство во 1841. Како и повеќето шампиони во наградната борба

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Theodore Roosevelt Wins 6 States in 1912


After Theodore Roosevelt won reelection in his own right during November 1904, TR impetuously announced he would not run for another term. His inner circle, particularly his wife Edith, would think the decision a mistake. Сепак, once Theodore Roosevelt made a pronouncement, he intended to keep his word. Roosevelt picked his Secretary of War and former Governor of the Phillipines

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Metropolis (1927)


Од јануари 10, 1927, Universum Film (UFA) released Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927) (Филијалата линк). The German film company produced a science fiction class, which still holds up today. On the Internet Movie Database website (IMDB), users rate it 8.3 надвор од 10 ѕвезди. It is #104 on the Top 250. In a theme society has wrestled with since the beginning

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Шеф Батлер и Свети. Луис машина


Кога станува збор за машина политиката и организираниот криминал, Канзас Сити отсекогаш засени Свети. Louis. Kansas City’s Pendergast political machine helped land Harry S. Truman in the White House. Канзас Сити е исто така дом на неколку од висок профил во мафијашки убиства. St. Louis’ последните организиран криминал лидер беше уапсен за играње карти. We did have a Democratic party political machine around

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Morris Packing Co. Robbers Caught


21-year old Charles Merrell had already served a term in the Missouri Penitentiary for stealing a car in Scotland County, when he got the idea to hold up the Morris Packing Company on Saturday, Април 22, 1922. Merrell could not pull the job by himself, so he recruited another ex-convict, 33-year-old Hugh Pinkley. Merrell was employed as a mechanic at

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Луиз Брукс на Канарските убиството (1929)


The Canary Murder Case (1929) was originally shot as a silent film. Сепак, the Paramount Studio executive thought it would be better as a talking picture. The studio delayed the release until they could add sound to the film. The addition of sound was not without its challenges. За жал, one of the main stars of the film, Louise Brooks, had

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Detective Desmond Catches Eddie Guerin


Before he was the “Sherlock Holmes of St. Louis”, St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond was Detective “Billy” Desmond. One of the most talented detectives in St. Историја Луис Полицијата, Desmond met one of the most famous international criminals in history, Eddie Guerin, in the mid-1880s. Guerin robbed the American Express Office in Paris in the early 1900s. French

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The Fat Man (1950)


Since the beginning of commercial film making, production companies are always looking for new content. Film companies have always used popular books as a source of content and inspiration. Since the 1950s, popular television shows provided film adaptations and inspiration. In the early days of talking films, popular radio shows led to many film adaptations. Lum and Abner, Jack Benny,

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St. Louis Police Nab Wild Bunch Members


On Tuesday, Ноември 5, 1901, St. Louis Police captured Ben Kilpatrick and Laura Bullion for their part in the Great Northern train robbery in Montana on July 2, 1901. Before the case was settled, Kilpatrick would serve 10 years and Laura Bullion would serve three and a half years in the Missouri Penitentiary but it would take several weeks for

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Laura (1944): A Dark Tale of Love


Laura (1944) is the story of an ambitious young woman pulled into the middle of a murder investigation by both amorous suitors and jealous women. Laura Hunt, толкуван од Џин Тирни, is an advertising executive about to marry a shiftless seducer, Shelby Carpenter, portrayed by Vincent Price. To complicate matters, her aunt Anne Treadwell is in love with the seducer

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1922 Morris Packing Company Robbery


On the morning of Saturday, Април 22, 1922, a green Paige automobile pulled up in front of the Morris Packing Company at 3000 S. Бродвеј. One man emerged, looked around and waived for his companion to exit the back seat. After hesitating for a few seconds, the other man exited as the automobile crawled down the busy street. The time

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