New School St. Louis Criminals


St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond had respect for the “old school criminals”, who plied their trade in St. Louis during the late 19th Century. Сепак, he did not have the same degree of respect for the thug tactics of the “new school criminals”. These criminals made up for a lack of finesse with great violence. - рече началникот Дезмонд

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Abe Attell and St. Louis Boxing


Во 2010, St. Луис беше 58. најголем град во Соединетите Американски Држави и 19 по големина метрополитенска област. Околу крајот на векот, тоа беше петти или шести по големина град во САД и најголемиот западно од реката Мисисипи. St. Louis had one of the largest clothing, shoe and beer manufacturing industries in

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1802 N. Замина Џеферсон

1802-n-џеферсон-2007 година

1802 N. Jefferson Avenue was a two-family flat built in 1890 and located in the St. Луис Место соседството. I originally wrote about the building in 2013 but it was demolished sometime before March 2015. The building is part of an area being developed for a government complex in St. Louis, so it was not able to be saved. Овие слики се

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Чарли Чен во Париз (1935)


Чарли Чен во Париз (1935) е уште еден влез во серија глуми Ворнер Оланд како Чарли Чан. Чарли се враќа од неговата Лондон истрага, кога тој ќе престане во Париз за одмор. Всушност, the vacation is a cover for his investigation of forged bonds from the Lamartine Bank. Charlie installed an undercover agent named Nardi but the gang kills Nardi

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Two Ruffians Beat Officer

старо-STL-полициска значка

On Thursday, Септември 9, 1875, George “Mitchell” Gassert and William Salisbury went to Fred Fisher’s Saloon at the corner of N. Jefferson and Morgan (Delmar today). After ordering drinks, the two young men of unsavory reputation refused to pay for their drinks. По обидот за незаконско плаќање, Fisher summoned St. Louis Police Officer John Cummings. Officer Cummings, доделени на

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Old School St. Louis Criminals

старата школа-стл-криминалци

For the Sunday, Јуни 24, 1900 издание на свети. Луис Република, a reporter interviewed St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond about the increasing violence of the new criminal. After 10 years as St. Louis Chief of Detectives and one of the most noted thief takers in United States, Шефот Дезмонд се жалеше поради зголеменото насилство што го гледаше

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Дали Muldoon Паторот МекМахон?


Март 22, 1881, Грчко-римскиот свет шампион во борење Вилијам Muldoon сретна Јака-и-лакт светски шампион Џон МекМахон на тераса градина во Њујорк. Muldoon и МекМахон се состанаа во најдобро две излезени од три паѓа натпревар. На прв пад беше спроведена од страна на грчко-римски правила. Вториот есен ќе се оспори користење јака-и-лактот правила. The last fall would be decided via what The New York

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Ambush Kills Beat Officer


54-year-old William Henry Anderson plied his trade as a St. Louis Police Officer for 25 години. Assigned to a beat near Natural Bridge and Vandeventer Avenues, Officer Anderson was known as the “Friendly Copper” by the residents and businesses on his beat. Working the overnight shift on a cold February morning, Officer Anderson was walking on Vandeventer just south of

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Шерлок Холмс и тајно оружје (1942)


Шерлок Холмс и тајно оружје (1942) is the second of the Universal film versions of the stories and the fourth movie starring Basil Rathbone as Holmes and Nigel Bruce as Dr. Вотсон. Lionell Atwill прави изглед како д-р. Moriart This movie is set during the early years of World War II, when Holmes sneaks a scientist out of

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Boxing’s Effect on Legitimate Wrestling


In the 1910s, American professional wrestling permanently moved from legitimate wrestling contests to prearranged exhibitions. Fan interest, promoter control and less wear and tear on the wrestlers all played a role in this transition. Another less talked about pressure was outside of the sport itself. Prior to the 20th Century, professional boxing was illegal in the United States. Bare knuckle

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