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případ vraždy z huddlestonu

Budovy jsou jen hromady desek a cihel bez příběhů, které jsou s nimi spojeny. V průběhu listopadu 1912, St. Louis policejní důstojník Arthur Huddleston byl zabit paroled vrah Albert Whitefielda. Whitefield překvapil svou družku, který byl zábavný další gentleman volajícího. Whitefield pokusil zabít ji před dvěma St. Louis Police Officers responded to her cries for

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Passing the Torch


This week my oldest son Kenneth turns 19 let. Besides finishing school, Kenneth’s biggest focus is the martial arts. He is particularly passionate about teaching self-defense. Over the years, I have trained 14 nieces and nephews plus all three of my children in the martial arts. Minulý týden, the first member of the third generation started with us. To

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Ad Santel Brings The Pain


Ad Santel gained his reputation as a dangerous catch wrestler from his frequent bouts with judoka from Japan during the 1910s and a story from the second George Hackenschmidt training camp for the Frank Gotch rematch. According to legend, Frank Gotch paid Santel, a skilled submission wrestler, $5,000.00 to injure Hackenschmidt’s knee in training. I když tento příběh může nebo může

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Hattie May Story (1896 – 1917)


My great grandmother Lydia Margaret “Dollie” Story Zimmerman’s youngest sister Hattie May Story was born on August 20, 1896. Hattie was Dollie’s half-sister as she was the daughter of George Washington Story and his second wife Margaret Sweat. Dollie’s mother was George Story’s first wife Malinda Davis. Hattiina matka Margaret buď zemřela při porodu Hattie, nebo zemřela

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Irish Giant Bashes Wormald


Října 29, 1868, “Irish Giant” Ned O’Baldwin and English prizefighter Joe Wormald met in a bare knuckle prize-fight outside of Boston in Lynnville, Massachusetts. O’Baldwin stood 6’06” tall and weighed around 220 liber. Possessed of a violent disposition, O’Baldwin had the perfect attitude for the ring but poor social skills outside of it. Fanoušci obou mužů dorazili dovnitř

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Frank Moellenberg (1891 – 1941)


My stepfather, Ernest C. Diaz, vychoval mě, so I included his family in my genealogical research. Však, Dad’s father, Joseph Diaz, emigroval z Mexika a jeho matka Marie Moellenbergová byla první generací Američanů narozených německým přistěhovalcům. Finding information on his family has not been easy. Víme, že Josephův otec byl Ulalio Diaz a rodné jméno jeho matky bylo

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