Dark Alibi (1946)


Dark Alibi (1946) is one of the last Charlie Chan films starring Sidney Toler. See film (affiliate link) and the three subsequent movies made in 1946 were filmed while Toler was dying from cancer. He was so weak, he could barely walk during these films. He somehow managed to make these last four films even though he was 72 aastat

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Mr. Moto’s Last Warning (1939)


In the sixth of eight Mr. Moto films released between 1937 ja 1939, Interpol police officer Kentaro Moto pursues a group of international saboteurs. Twentieth Century – Fox Film Corporation released Mr. Moto’s Last Warning (1939) (affiliate link) on January 20, 1939. Peter Lorre returns as the cerebral but deadly Mr. Moto. Ricardo Cortez plays Fabian the Great, a ventriloquist,

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Sherlock Holmes Washingtonis (1943)


Sherlock Holmes Washingtonis (1943) is the third (affiliate link) of twelve Universal Picture productions of the Sherlock Holmes franchise. Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce starred as Holmes and Watson respectively in two films for Twentieth-Century Fox and twelve more for Universal Pictures. This film is again set in the 1940s. Holmes and Watson have traveled to Washington, D.C. kuni

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